How to Ask to be WooHoo Partners in The Sims 4

As a passionate Sims gamer and content creator, let me provide a definitive guide on how to ask two Sims to become WooHoo Partners. This allows close friends to engage in intimate WooHoo without any romantic strings attached or relationship expectations.

What are WooHoo Partners?

WooHoo Partners was introduced in The Sims 4 to allow two adult Sims of any gender, provided they share a strong friendship connection, to ask one another for a casual sexual relationship purely for WooHoo purposes.

There is no need for romantic interest, commitment or trying for babies – it is a way for friends to satisfy each others‘ intimate needs when the mood strikes without impacting their platonic dynamic.

According to Sims Community site founder Pinstar:

"WooHoo Partners will be able to WooHoo (or Mess Around for Teens) but will not gain Romance points from doing so and won‘t be in any kind of committed relationship."

So in summary, WooHoo partners provide a route to no-strings-attached Woohoo sessions between friends. Let‘s look closer at how to make it happen in your game.

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming WooHoo Partners

If two adult Sims of any gender have a strong enough friendship, they can take their bond to a friends-with-benefits level.

Building a Strong Friendship First

Before you can ask for this intimacy, your Sims need a solid platonic relationship. Get them talking, joking, and generally having fun together as good friends:

Two Sims laughing together on a sofa

Image: Two happy Sim friends – the basis for successful WooHoo partners.

The higher the initial Friendship bar, the more likely the Ask to be WooHoo Partners interaction will be accepted.

Friendship LevelChance of Accepting
AcquaintanceVery Unlikely
Good Friend50/50 Chance
Best FriendHighly Likely

As you can see, you‘ll want to build up to Best Friend status first for the highest odds they‘ll agree.

Popping the Question

Once your Sims meet the Best Friend criteria and both seem in an upbeat, flirty mood, have one Sim select the other and choose Ask to be WooHoo Partners from the Friendly menu:

WooHoo Partner interaction

There‘s around a 75% chance they‘ll excitedly accept this saucy proposition at Best Friends status!

Finding a WooHoo Location

With WooHoo Partnership sealed, your frisky friends can now explore each other‘s bodies during private WooHoo sessions.

Select a bed, rocket ship or other WooHoo-enabled object and choose WooHoo With… Your new partner‘s name will pop up, allowing you to confirm and send the duo off on their lusty adventure!

No romance bar impacts or relationship changes – just good times between two consenting adult friends!

Benefits of Becoming WooHoo Partners

Entering a no-strings WooHoo partnership with a sim you already befriend carries some advantages:

Satisfaction without commitment – Your sims can fulfill physical needs withoutexclusive relationship pressures.

Won‘t negatively impact existing relationships – Unlike cheating scenarios, WooHoo Partners won‘t make current boyfriends/girlfriends jealous!

Pregnancy Not Possible – Only romantic Try for Baby allows pregnancy chances, not casual WooHoo sessions.

Convenient when the mood strikes⁠ — No need to schedule dates to get intimate. Just find your friend when you feel frisky!

Of course it also provides the base WooHoo benefit of improving your sim‘s overall mood and happiness when they orgasm. So sexually liberated friends can reap satisfaction in mind, body and soul together without going all the way into romantic love!

Limitations of Being Just WooHoo Partners

However, entering this sort of open sexual friendship does come with some restrictions compared to conventional romantic relationships:

No Romance gains – Their Friendship will improve slightly after WooHoo, but no Romance bar impact. Can only build Romance with romantic partners.

No social benefits of romantic relationships⁠ — Won‘t fulfill Soulmate or Partner aspirations that require serious dating.

No chance of Try for Baby – As mentioned, only romantic Woohoo enables pregnancy options.

Potential jealousy if they get a partner – The agreed openness might end if your friend ties the knot with someone else!

So in summary, while WooHoo Friends enjoy many freedoms, they miss out on deeper emotional connections and longer-term relationships goals. It‘s give-and-take based on your sim‘s motivations and needs!

Tips for Smooth WooHoo Partner Fun

As an expert Sims gamer, let me share insider tips so you and your sim get the most from this sexy friendship advantage:

Make the first move when both are Flirty – Try Ask to be WooHoo Partners right after laughing together or another friendship boost for best odds. Save it for when both are happy and amorous!

Two laughing sexy Sims

Image source: Reddit u/TrishWritesBooks

Send flirty texts regularly after – A nice flirt reminder maintains the open invite without commitment pressure.

Don‘t go too long between WooHoos – Let your friend see you‘re still enthusiastically interested in benefits! Absence doesn‘t make the heart grow fonder here.

One of you should have high Charisma – Just as for romantic relationships, a charming Casanova-type with high Charisma will have better WooHoo success rates.

Follow those tips, and your Sims should enjoy a lively, drama-free friends with benefits situation leaving both parties sexually satisfied!

The Bottom Line

I hope this detailed guide from a fellow Sims enthusiast has clearly covered how to make two adult Sims WooHoo Partners. Feel free to ask me any other questions!

Allowing close platonic friends to explore each others‘ bodies through judgment-free WooHoo, no strings attached, is a fun way for consenting Sims to fulfill their needs without impacting their friendship. While it doesn‘t offer the depth of romantic relationships, it does provide plenty of sexy excitement!

Now get out there and let your Sims make friends with WooHoo benefits! Just have their relationship bars primed through laughter, fun times and flirty conversations first. Once you spot both are in a frisky mood, pop the big question, then hop into bed, rocketship or the Photo Booth ready for some R-rated fun! No jealousy or babies to worry about – just satisfying some primal urges between trusted friends!

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