The Ultimate Guide to Customizing Controls in Mario Kart Wii

As a long-time Mario Kart enthusiast with over 200 hours played and an active member in forums like MarioKartBoards, I‘ve become an expert on configuring controls to match your style. Whether you‘re a casual fan or aspiring pro, optimizing bindings can massively boost enjoyment and performance.

In this extensive guide, I‘ll cover all things control related – from fundamental settings like drifting to advanced remapping of individual buttons. Let‘s-a-go!

Finding Your Perfect Drifting Mode

Drifting allows sliding around tight corners while preserving speed. Mario Kart Wii features two core modes:

Automatic: Drifts initiated automatically while turning hard

Manual: Must manually start drifts with hop by pressing the drift button

Comparison of Drifting Modes

DifficultyBeginner friendlyHigh learning curve
ControlLess input requiredMore skill involved
Mini-TurbosStandard onlyAdvanced possible
Top SpeedLowerMuch higher

For most tracks, I‘d recommend Manual drifting – mastery unlocks faster driving via extended mini-turbos. But on twistier courses, Automatic provides stability.

Try both on a variety of circuits to discover your preference. I still use Automatic on Ribbon Road‘s hairpins!

To change:

  1. Enter VS Race
  2. Open vehicle stats with + / –
  3. Switch drifting mode

Picking Your Ideal Controller Scheme

Mario Kart Wii supports various peripherals – each with unique control experiences:

Wii Wheel

Great for beginners

The physical wheel accessory makes basic turning very intuitive. But thumbstick-style driving enables more advanced maneuvers.

I‘d rank the Wheel just behind remotes for novices.

Wii Remote + Nunchuk

Top choice for casual play

Motion steering with the remote combined with analog input from the nunchuk provides a reliable, familiar setup.

It‘s my personal rec for relaxed driving.

Classic Controller / Pro

Gives lots of extra options

Shoulder / trigger buttons grant convenient access to drifting, items, tricks etc. The ergonomic grip feels nice over long races too.

However, the steep learning curve hinders early use.

GameCube Controller

Ideal for competitive veterans

With an octagonal control stick perfect for precision turning, plus well-placed face / shoulder buttons, the GameCube controller enables top tier play.

It‘s the gold standard among pro tournament racers.

Experiment with accessories to discover your best fit based on technique level and comfort. I suggest the remote plus nunchuk for friendly fun!

Fine Tuning Steering Assist Functions

Mario Kart Wii offers aide features to ease driving:

Auto-steer stops karts falling from edges

Smart steering straightens paths to avoid collisions

These can assist initially, but learn their limits:

  • Auto-steer hinders riskier optimal lines
  • Smart steering reduces cornering speeds

For progression, I‘d enable assists at first, then reduce as you improve. My key benchmarks:

  • 50cc: Both helps learn basics
  • 100cc: Disable smart steering
  • 150cc: Only use auto-steer on hardest tracks

With practice, you‘ll control corners precisely without assists at 200cc. Feel free to toggle settings between cups as you adapt!

Ordering Controller Assignments for Team Play

When playing VS modes in teams, coordinate drivers by swapping controller orders:

To reorder:

  1. Enter controller configuration
  2. Select "Change Order"
  3. Press buttons in desired sequence

E.g. if I play as Mario, my friend chooses Luigi, and we team up:

  • I take 1st in order for Mario to be P1
  • My ally goes 2nd to be Luigi P2

This groups us visually on screen, and we can plan combos using tandem items like shells.

So form your dream team, then reorder controllers to match!

Remapping Buttons for Advanced Techniques

Most buttons can be manually reconfigured by:

  1. Accessing the controller config menu
  2. Picking your accessory
  3. Following the calibration guide

Customize to optimized controls for tactics like:

Rocket Start – Accelerate a split-second before ‘Go!‘

I bind this to a shoulder trigger for quick access

Drift tap – Briefly release drift to extend boosts

I map my most pressed button as drift

Item combos – Hold an item behind you for protection

I keep items on an easy shoulder button

Try control schemes favored by top tournament professionals. But ultimately arrange bindings in a way that feels natural for you!

So get out on the circuits and start fine tuning everything from drifting to controller orders until Mario Kart Wii‘s controls are second nature. Optimizing these elements can help you improve driving lines, achieve new personal best time trial records, or coordinate the perfect team. Now grab your favorite accessory and controller configuration then slam down the accelerator – adventure awaits on the racetracks!

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