Flying the Oppressor Mk2 like a Pro with Keyboard & Mouse

As a passionate GTA Online player with countless hours perfecting my Oppressor Mk2 skills on PC, I‘ve found the keyboard and mouse offers fluid, responsive controls that outshine controllers once mastered. Here‘s an in-depth guide to dominating the skies with the keyboard‘s precision.

The key foundation is understanding the basic WASD movement:

  • W: Accelerate
  • A: Steer Left
  • S: Brake/Reverse
  • D: Steer Right

Combine throttling and steering for tight turns, strafing hover-shots, and chaining speed boosts. I‘ve bound:

  • Spacebar: Ascend
  • Left Ctrl: Descend

for enhanced vertical mobility.

Weaponizing the Oppressor Mk2

The real game-changer is binding weapons and boost to your mouse:

  • LMB: Machine Guns
  • RMB: Missiles
  • Middle Mouse or Thumb Mouse: Boost

This allows seamlessly aiming shots while maneuvering at high speeds. I use the mouse‘s quick responsiveness to pepper targets as I fly by or circle strafing. The boost is instantly accessible without compromising movement keys.

Advanced Maneuvers & Techniques

Here are some of my favorite keyboard-centric tactics for losing pursuers and strategically engaging enemies:

Verticality – Use Spacebar and Left Ctrl to alternate between ascending, descending, and level flight unpredictably while monitoring the minimap. Enemies struggle tracking these irregular changes in altitude, especially when combined with boosts.

Strafe Shooting – Fly sideways at a target while firing machine guns or missiles, using A and D to keep them in your crosshair without having to turn. The keyboard and mouse precision shines here.

Quick Turns – Initiate a hard turn with A or D then tap the boost to swing the bike‘s momentum rapidly in the new direction. This juking maneuver is perfect for dodging homing missiles.

Chaining Boosts – During cooldown, alternate between ascent, descent, and forward acceleration to maintain speed before boosting again. The keyboard makes inputs for this smoother than toggling on a controller.

Mastering these advanced tactics takes the Oppressor Mk2‘s capabilities to the next level!

Countering the Keyboard Oppressor Mk2

The keyboard‘s responsive controls make the Oppressor incredibly lethal in the right hands. Here are the most common counters I‘ve encountered after hundreds of hours in public sessions:

Sniper Ambushes: A heavy sniper headshot will instantly down even a max health Mk2 rider. Roof campers can catch you unaware if you fly predictably in a straight line at lower altitudes.

  • Counter by monitoring the map, utilizing verticality, and boosting unpredictably to protect your flank.

Homing Launchers: Weapons like the RPG and homing launcher lead their targets, making them effective if you fly straight towards someone.

  • Counter by strafe maneuvering and chaining boosts to break missile lock-on while returning fire.

The Fully Loaded Ruiner 2000: This specially equipped muscle car has a temporary missile lock-on jammer that can shutdown an oppressor.

  • Counter by keeping your distance and using the environment as cover if you spot one, focusing fire with a heavy revolver.

While dangerous, these counters can be overpowered through skillful and unpredictable keyboard flight.

Keyboard vs. Controller

While gamepads work great for most vehicles, they fundamentally lack the quick precision of keyboard and mouse. Some key advantages:

Simultaneous Access: The Oppressor requires constantInputs – a controller restricts weapon access while maneuvering. The keyboard allows seamlessly aiming missiles and guns mid-flight.

Responsiveness: The analog sticks just can‘t match WASD and mouse for rapid reactions, movements, and aim correction vital in aerial dogfights.

This table compares specs:

Keyboard & Mouse (KBM)Controller
Turning SpeedVery HighMedium
Aim PrecisionExtremely PreciseModerate
Inputs Per SecondNo Limit~3-5

In my experience, skilled KBM OPERATORS DOMINATE controller users – the gap in flight and combat capabilities is substantial after adapting to the Oppressor Mk2‘s unique handling.

So next time you enter a GTA Online session on PC, choose the Keyboard & Mouse for unmatched oppressor domination! Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments.

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