The Ultimate Guide to Cross-Play in For Honor

So you‘re hyped to squad up with your best gaming buds across platforms in For Honor? Let me walk you through everything you need to know to demolish the competition, no matter their controller of choice.

Getting Started with Cross-Play

Enabling cross-play is the first step to uniting warriors across PC, PlayStation, and Xbox ecosystems into a legendary company of heroes.

Here‘s how to get it switched on:

  1. Bring down your battle axe on the Main Menu
  2. Navigate to the Game Menu
  3. Select "Options"
  4. Choose "Online"
  5. Flick the "Crossplay" switch to on (enabled by default)

Once cross-play is engaged, you‘ll plunge into multiplayer matchmaking pools comprised of players across all platforms. So assemble your squad and prepare to storm the breach!

Competitive Implications of Cross-Play

An important question around mixing PC and console players is whether it creates an uneven playing field. But Ubisoft‘s strong aim with For Honor‘s cross-play implementation is crafting a fair and balanced experience for all.

The game utilizes input-based matchmaking, meaning players are matched based on their control scheme – so controller warriors won‘t be paired against keyboard and mouse competitors at a basic disadvantage.

So while you may spot both icons in a given 4v4 Dominion battle, fights should feel evenly-matched regardless of how you play. Performance ultimately comes down to skill over hardware.

That said, to guarantee the smoothest experience, be sure to:

  • Sport the latest For Honor patches installed
  • Connect via a wired internet hookup if possible
  • Tweak your rig for optimal FPS (PC)

Playing with Friends Across Platforms

Skirmishing with random warriors online is just the start of the action. Forming a warband with your real-world mates is where the glory lies.

To bring fellow fighters into your crew:

  1. Add allies as friends via your Ubisoft Connect profile
  2. Bring down the Group tab from For Honor‘s menu
  3. Dispatch battle invitations to your comrades

This allows groups of 2-4 players to band together before matches. Help your allies claim territories in Dominion, or watch each other‘s backs in grueling Breach sieges.

Partying Up Issues?

If you‘re having trouble connecting with cross-play friends, first ensure cross-play itself is active under Options.

Then verify your buddy actually plays For Honor and has access to multiplayer modes!

For continued grouping frustration, try these steps:

  • Double check your Ubisoft friend lists sync properly
  • Reboot and re-send invites if needed
  • Confirm NAT types are compatible

With a bit of trial-and-error, you‘ll be battling boiled leather to boiled leather soon enough!

Cross-Play Performance Considerations

While the arena aims to level the playing field for Heroes on all platforms, some key nuances remain:

Frame Rate

PC players rock buttery smooth 144 FPS gameplay, while consoles are capped at 60 FPS. This can provide smoother combat fluidity for top tier PC duelists.

Graphics Fidelity

Details like texture resolution, draw distance, shadows and other visual features are pushed higher on beefy gaming rigs. Consoles offer tuned settings for solid performance. These discrepancies shouldn‘t impact battles, but may explain visual variances between players.

Input Lag

The delay between input devices and in-game actions is lowest on PC, especially with high-refresh gaming monitors. Console players are subject to minor additional lag given large displays and wireless controllers.

Hardware Advantages

PC peripherals like elite gaming mice, specialized keyboards and low-latency monitors aren‘t accessible to couch warriors. Console companions make do with standard gamepads.

So while deviations exist, Ubisoft swears faithful oaths to maintain overall integrity and enjoyment for Heroes across all realms. Now let‘s conquer some cross-play tips!

Tips for Cross-Play Domination

I‘ve unleashed fury on foes across platforms in my endless quest for battlefield supremacy. Here are pro-strats I‘ve added to my combat arsenal:

Monitor Enemy Attacks

Pay sharp attention to incoming strikes, blocking and parrying appropriately. Breach moments often feature relentless assaults from all sides.

Master Combos

String together chains of light and heavy attacks, integrating Guard Breaks and specials to inflict maximum punishment. Experiment with advanced techniques like feinting too.

Play to Hero Strengths

Whether you take the battlefield as a fast-striking Orochi or lumbering Shugoki, learn your class thoroughly to capitalize on every advantage.

Coordinate with Allies

In multi-combatant modes like Dominion, verbally collaborate with your squad to capture zones, summon reinforcements or complete objectives. Communication is king!

Follow these tips, and you‘ll carve through casuals and veterans alike. Now – onward to victory!

The Future of Cross-Play

Cross-play support continues maturing across For Honor as Ubisoft expands features:

  • Matchmaking – Additional tuning and expansion to cover more multiplayer modes
  • Progression Syncing – Unified progression and inventory tracking across platforms via Ubisoft Connect
  • Ranked Duels – Enabling competitive 1v1 matches between platforms

And this likely marks just the beginning. Ubisoft suggests robust cross-play could one day become an expectation across many titles in its catalog.

Developer Commitment

In an October 2022 Reddit AMA, the For Honor team reaffirmed their commitment to cross-play:

"Crossplay came with many challenges but we consider this feature part of the backbone of For Honor now and for any future heroes or content we release."

This spells great news for veterans eager to battle-test new Warriors as they drop. Expect Ubisoft‘s continued support.

For now, the grounds are set for you to wage war alongside fellow fighters, no matter their banner or homeland. Now raise your swords brothers – glory awaits!

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