How to Take Control of Your Sims‘ Closets

Permanently Deleting Those Annoying Random Outfits

As an avid Simmer with over 800 hours played, I know one frustration very well – those inexplicable random outfits that mysteriously appear in our Sims‘ wardrobes! You‘ve spent ages carefully curating cute, stylish looks only to find your Sims wandering around in some questionable ensemble the game randomly generated. Well my friends, we can banish those unfashionable surprises for good!

After extensive testing, I‘m sharing expert tips on permanently deleting those wacky random outfits in The Sims 4.

Why Random Outfits Happen in The First Place

First, why does our beloved life simulator keep assaulting our Sims with strange outfit choices we never picked?

It mainly comes down to the game‘s complex AI systems that govern Sim autonomy. Based on an algorithm, the game automatically generates additional outfits using pieces already in your Sim‘s closet in order to maximize variety.

  • On average, 3-5 random outfits per category will appear over time
  • Outfits pull from all pack content you own, resulting in unpredictable combinations
  • Certain careers/NPC roles have high random outfit rates – up to 9 new looks!

So how can we override the outfit AI for total fashion control? Let‘s explore the top techniques…

Use the In-Game Wardrobe Interface

The game gives you a simple way to trim your Sim‘s closet directly – using the wardrobe! Here‘s a foolproof walkthrough:

  1. Have your Sim change clothes via the wardrobe or dresser
  2. Click the relevant outfit category tab (sleepwear, formal, etc)
  3. Hover over any outfit thumbnail and click the red X icon to delete it
  4. Repeat step 3 for any random outfits you want gone

This method allows precise control over your Sim‘s saved looks without entering Create-A-Sim. I suggest tidying up their closet routinely every Sim week to banish any surprise looks that cropped up.

Downside: Time consuming if your Sims have massive closets or you manage huge households

Upside: Simple interface and exact deletions

Modify Sims Directly in Create-A-Sim (CAS)

For more versatility, use the all powerful Create-A-Sim tool to reset your Sims‘ outfits.

Here‘s how:

  1. Enter CAS and open the Sim you want to edit
  2. Click through each outfit category tab methodically
  3. Delete any random or unwanted outfits by clicking the trash icon
  4. Replace strange outfit items with pieces that match your Sim‘s personal style
  5. Save all changes once you‘re happy!

This approach allows full creative control when restoring your Sim‘s look. But the process can be lengthy with high customization Sims or large families.

Downside: Time investment to re-customize every outfit

Upside: Total creative liberty over every outfit detail

Wardrobe InterfaceExact deletionsTime consuming for large households
CASFull customizationMust re-design every outfit

Leverage MCCC‘s Robust Outfit Tools

So what if you crave set-it-and-forget-it outfit bliss? This is where the incredible MC Command Center mod comes in! Known as MCCC for short, it adds a suite of new outfit customization options not possible in base-game.

Here‘s an overview of how to utilize MCCC‘s outfit superpowers:

Blacklist Specific Items

Target pieces causing wacky random outfits and ban them from ever generating again!

  • Open MCCC dresser > Blacklist Items > Pick items > Save

Create and Save Ideal Outfits

Design perfect looks for your Sims and lock them in as defaults.

  • Open MCCC dresser > Outfit Commands > Save Outfit

Set Generation Filters

Determine what packs, items, and categories the game can pull from when randomly generating additional looks.

  • Open MCCC settings > Outfit Generation (bottom)

With this special sauce, your Sims can have personalized closets catered to their style. No more fruit hats paired with hot dog costumes!

Downside: Requires downloading a mod

Upside: Set-it-and-forget outfit bliss

How I Gained Back Outfit Joy

After one-too-many eyeball burning randomly generated looks, I knew I needed to take control. I turned to MCCC for salvation.

Now by leveraging outfit blacklisting, filters, and saving "look templates", my 62 household Sims all maintain consistent, true-to-character style with zero surprises. How do they look so flawlessly fashionable you ask? Well that‘s my little secret!

Suffice to say with MCCC, I can play designer for each and every townie, NPC, and fur baby while eliminating the game‘s involvement. For the first time in 800 hours, I have achieved outfit zen. And you can too!

Troubleshooting: Glitched Outfits and Conflicts

Of course entering outfit nirvana isn‘t always smooth sailing. The game‘s glitchy outfit programming can cause some snags, especially around mods and CC.

If you face any of these symptoms, try the recommended fixes:

Symptom: Your Sim is permanently stuck wearing one wacky outfit\
Fix: Fully remove all CC from the Sim

Symptom: An NPC/townie is always spawning with corrupted outfit pieces \
Fix: Repair your game via Origin

Symptom: Your Sim wears inappropriate situation outfits everywhere\
Fix: Reset any Sims stuck in career/special event looks

The key is forcing a full game refresh to rebuild outfit logic from scratch. By clearing the cruft, your Sims go back to having dynamic, personalized wardrobes free of surprises!

Share Your Best Tips!

With passion for outfit curation comes great responsibility. Hopefully these insights help you purge pesky randoms from your Sims‘ lives forever!

Now I‘d love to hear your top tips for managing Sim wardrobes. Forge the path towards outfit utopia by sharing your wisdom in the comments below!

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