How to Delete Walls in The Sims 4: An In-Depth 2023 Guide

As a dedicated Sims 4 builder with over 200 hours constructing virtual homes, I‘ve demolished my fair share of walls. Removing walls in The Sims can be unexpectedly tricky – but doesn‘t need to be with the right approach.

In this up-to-date guide for 2023, you‘ll learn foolproof ways to delete walls on PC and Mac using tools provided within the base game itself.

Step-By-Step Guide: Deleting Walls with the Sledgehammer

The sledgehammer tool is by far the easiest way to remove walls in build mode. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough:

  1. Enter building mode on your lot
  2. From the top toolbar, select the sledgehammer icon (located with other build tools)
  3. Hold down either Control (PC) or Command (Mac) on your keyboard
  4. Click on a wall segment you want to delete to target it
  5. Still holding Control/Command, click and drag across all walls you want to remove
  6. Release the mouse button and voila! The highlighted walls vanish entirely

Here this is action:

Gif showing targeting and deleting walls with sledgehammer

Pro Building Tip: Attach doors, windows, columns and other wall-mounted objects are deleted automatically with the walls using this technique – no need to remove them beforehand!

Clearing Walls by Erasing the Floor Below

Another indirect way to effectively delete walls is by getting rid of the flooring underneath:

  1. Use the sledgehammer to remove all floor tiles in a walled room
  2. Delete only one single wall section so the game rebuilds the floor
  3. Now delete the bare floor again, and the rooms walls will also be erased!

This flooring exploit takes a few more clicks, but reliably clears out entire boxy indoor areas for remodeling or expansion.

Expert Hint: For any leftover tile pieces after deleting walls this way, cover spots using the free "Construction-Quality Concrete" material under Floor Patterns > Masonry to tidy up.

Table comparing floor exploit vs sledgehammer approaches

Recent Changes Impacting Wall Removal in 2024

With the launch of The Sims 4 High School Years expansion in mid-2022, wall deletion was impacted by an important alteration to room requirements…

(truncated for length)

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