How to Fully Edit and Customize Any Sim in The Sims 4

Have you ever seen an oddly-dressed townie walking around and wished you could give them a makeover? Or wanted to tweak that one annoying preset trait on your favorite pre-made Sim? With the CAS full edit mode cheat, you can gain complete creative control over any Sim in your game.

A Quick Overview on Editing Random Sims

The basic process is:

  1. Enable testing cheats with testingcheats on
  2. Enter cas.fulleditmode to unlock CAS
  3. Shift + Click on any Sim and choose "Modify in CAS"
  4. Customize their appearance, traits, aspirations to your liking
  5. Save changes by exiting CAS (do NOT make new Sim)

This cheat lets you edit and customize any Sim in your world, whether they are a townie, pre-made, or NPC. It‘s an essential tool for refreshing default assets or simply personalizing the citizens of your virtual towns.

Below we‘ll cover the step-by-step process plus expert advice to master this underutilized trick.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Editing Sims

Follow this walkthrough to edit any Sim in your game:

1. Enable Cheats

First, you need to activate testing cheats. This grants access to special commands that let you bend or break the rules of the game.

  • PC: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C
  • Mac: Press CMD + SHIFT + C
  • PS4/PS5: Press all 4 shoulder buttons at once
  • Xbox: Press all 4 shoulder buttons at once

This brings up the cheat console box. Next, type testingcheats on and press enter to enable cheats.

2. Enter CAS Full Edit Mode

The special command you need is cas.fulleditmode. This removes all locks in Create-A-Sim so you have unlimited customization options for any Sim.

After enabling testing cheats, type cas.fulleditmode into the console and press enter again.

3. Select a Sim to Edit

Now comes the fun part – picking a lucky subject for your makeover magic!

To load any Sim into CAS, press and hold Shift on your keyboard. Then simply click on them (left click with mouse or A/X on controller).

When the menu pops up, choose "Modify in CAS."

Ta-da – CAS opens up with that Sim loaded and ready for editing!

4. Customize to Your Heart‘s Content!

Go wild and customize their:

  • Body features and body type
  • Makeup and hair
  • Clothing style
  • Personality traits
  • Aspirations and skills
  • Relationships and family ties
  • Name, voice, preferences

Everything is editable with no restrictions in CAS fulleditmode. So sprinkle some magic and give random townies a long overdue makeover!

5. Save Your Masterpiece

Once you finish customizing your randomized masterpiece, there is one crucial final step – saving your changes correctly.

Do NOT create a new Sim or clone the existing one. Simply click the checkmark in the top right to save edits and exit back into gameplay. This permanently updates that Sim with all changes applied.

Now sit back and watch your personalized Sims come to life!

Who Can You Edit with This Cheat?

The CAS full edit unlock lets you modify and customize:

  • Townies – Revamp procedurally generated NPCs wanderings the neighborhoods
  • Pre-Made Sims – Tweak starter families like the Goths or Landgraabs
  • NPCs / Background Characters – Customize special NPCs like Father Winter

Essentially every Sim that exists in your save file can be edited – playable or not. The only exceptions are Sims stored in your library that have not been placed into the world.

So feel free to give the townies roaming around a fresh new look tailored to your preferences. Or fix any odd randomized outfits the game creates.

According to many players, editing townies is the #1 use case since their wild fashion is notoriously questionable!

Saving Your Edits Correctly

When finished customizing a Sim, it‘s vital that you save properly so changes remain permanent.

Exit CAS by clicking the checkmark icon. Do NOT clone or create new Sims. Overwriting the original is how edits are applied permanently when you return to gameplay.

If you save incorrectly, the game will discard all changes or duplicates won‘t retain custom tweaks. So remember – exit normally to make all CAS edits "stick."

Why Customize and Edit Random Sims?

Here are some of the top reasons Simmers use this handy cheat:

Refreshing Townies – The procedural townie generator often produces, erm, interesting Sims. Editing helps renew the neighborhood with fresh faces and updated style.

Fixing Oddities – Randomly generated Sims can sometimes have questionable features like 3 lips or colorful skin. Editing lets you quickly re-roll for normal genetics.

Makeovers – Give underdressed townies or preppy pre-mades a fashion and style upgrade suited to your preferences.

Story Progression – Use Create-A-Story tools to set relationships and family ties that drive drama or romance.

Experimentation – Endless customization options with no restrictions means unlimited potential for creative fun!

Expert Tips and Tricks

Take your Sim editing skills to the next level with these expert pointers:

  • Bulk Makeovers – Dress all townies by saving one as a style template then loading others to apply it.
  • Fix Weird Genetics – Delete extra limbs, nose rings, crazy colors etc by tweaking parents then rerolling child.
  • Seed Your World – Place customized player Sims from your library into towns to meet or marry later.
  • Switch Genders – Change pronouns and frame for interesting storyline potential.
  • Share Creations – Upload uniquely customized Sims to the Gallery for others to enjoy!

The possibilities are endless when you harness the full power of CAS. Hopefully these tips inspire you to stretch your editing skills even further!

Downsides and Risks

While the CAS unlock cheat is incredibly useful, there are some downsides to consider:

  • Can cause lag if editing huge batches of Sims
  • Too many modified assets may destabilize save file
  • Changes won‘t carry over into other player‘s games
  • May feel like "cheating" for those wanting pure gameplay

As long as you edit responsibly and avoid pushing limits, risks should be minimal. But do keep technical performance impact in mind!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about the CAS full edit mode cheat:

Does this work on console?

Yes! The cheat is usable on PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Simply enable testingcheats and input the codes as normal.

Do edits save permanently?

As long as you exit CAS correctly by clicking the checkmark and NOT cloning, all customizations will save permanently.

Can I edit Sims in other save files?

Unfortunately edits only apply to the current save file. However, you can upload customized Sims to your library then place them in other saves later.

What are some other useful cheats?

money [amount] – Adjust simoleon balance
motherlode – 50,000 free simoleons
cas.unlockbytag – Unlock career and scenario outfits for editing

Can I revert changes if I mess up?

Sadly there is no way to directly undo CAS changes. But you can reload a previous save or edit again to try fixing mistakes.

Have more questions? Ask in the comments!


The CAS full edit mode cheat unlocks unlimited creative control over any Sim in The Sims 4. Use it responsibly to refresh townies, create unique story seeds, fix anomalies, share amazing designs, and endlessly experiment with no restrictions.

Hopefully this guide covered everything you need to masterfully edit random Sims to perfection. Have fun unleashing those creative juices!

What unique customs have you created? Share your wacky randomized makeovers below or upload to the Gallery. Until next time happy Simming!

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