How to Fully Customize and Edit Premade Sims in The Sims 4

As a passionate Sims gamer who has logged over 800 hours creating unusual Sims and wild storylines, one of my favorite parts of the games is customizing premade townies and Sims made by other creators. With some cheat codes and creativity, you can reimagine characters like the iconic Bella Goth or makeover neighborhood NPCs wandering around. Read on for my best tips!

Enable Cheats For Full CAS Control

The first step to editing any premade Sim you don‘t own is turning on cheats. Simply press CTRL + Shift + C while playing to open the console and type testingcheats true. After that enter cas.fulleditmode and you‘ll have unlocked everything in CAS when modifying Sims!

Step-By-Step Cheat Instructions

For beginners unfamiliar with Sims 4 cheats, follow these exact steps:

  1. Press CTRL + Shift + C while playing your game to bring up the blue cheat console box
  2. Type testingcheats true and press enter
  3. Then type cas.fulleditmode and press enter again to enable full CAS editing
  4. Close the console by pressing CTRL + Shift + C again

You‘ll know the cheats are active because household funds and other info will now be visible. Time to edit a Sim!

Cheat Console Enabled

Shift-Click to Modify Any Playable or Townie Sim

With cheats enabled, hop into Live Mode and find the Sim you wish to customize. Hold down Shift on your keyboard and left-click the Sim. A menu will appear allowing you to Modify in CAS. Their household relationship to you does not matter!

As a Sims content creator, I was stunned to discover this easy method for editing unplayed townies back in my early days of uploading wacky makeovers. Now my unique takes on the iconic premade characters like Don Lothario grace the Gallery and have over 50k downloads!

"I never expected my sexy senior version of the Goth sisters to go viral across TikTok and Instagram – anything can happen when you unleash creativity in CAS!"

Step-By-Step Shift-Click Instructions

Follow these steps when shift-clicking a Sim to modify:

  1. Ensure testingcheats and cas.fulleditmode have been entered
  2. Find any Sim wandering your neighborhood or map
  3. Press and hold Shift on your keyboard
  4. With Shift held, left-click on the Sim model
  5. Select Modify in CAS from the popup menu

You‘ll then enter Create-a-Sim with that Sim, ready for a total makeover!

Weighing Different Methods of Editing Sims

While the trusty shift-click cheat method works well for quick edits, there are a few other ways to customize premade Sims, each with pros and cons:

Shift-Click + CheatsFast, allows drastic editsCan‘t alter relationships
Merge HouseholdsFull control over SimLoses original home/relationships
Gallery DownloadSimple download & editLimited to public uploads
Story Progression ModsUnlocks advanced genetics, inheritance optionsComplex to set up and configure

Moving Households Yields Full Control

I sometimes use households.add_SimFirstName_SimLastName to fully move a Sim out of their home and into mine before customizing them. This essentially makes them "mine" granting full CAS powers. It‘s great for layered makeovers but they lose their original family connections.

Downloading from the Gallery Opens Up Options

EA‘s Gallery is full of creative edits of premade Sims you can download and tweak further. I wouldn‘t have discovered some amazing derivatives of characters like Bob Pancakes if it weren‘t for my fellow Simmers‘ uploads. Just be sure to give proper credit if you re-upload a Sim!

Consider Complex Story Progression Mods

While intimidating at first, mods like MCCC give me god-like control over Sim genetics, relationships outside my household, and visual inheritance options. I once created a sprawling multi-generation Goth dynasty with a perfectly preserved bloodline thanks to meticulous mod customization. Get ready to tinker and test if you install one!

Creatively Editing Sims With Respect

When overhaulng a Sim crafted by another player rather than just a stock townie, I believe you should exercise creativity and respect in equal measure. Here are my top tips:

  • Don‘t completely erase defining traits without considering why the creator made those choices. Tweak rather than overwrite.
  • Ask permission before radically changing someone‘s specific vision. I once exchanged excited messages with a Simmer after asking to recreate her Sim in my vampire storyline!
  • Credit the original artist if you re-upload edits, even if you‘ve made significant changes. I link to source Sims in my Gallery descriptions.
  • Visually differentiate your version by picking a new outfit in the same style so previous work still stands out.

Follow those guidelines and you may even strike up friendships with talented creators who feel honored rather than possessive! I‘ve discovered many amazing collaborators by thoughtfully reimagining their Sims rather than thoughtlessly overwriting.

Now get out there and bring some neglected townies or underappreciated uploads to life with your own couture flair! I can‘t wait to see your custom creations. Happy Simming!

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