How to "Fake" Steps in Pokémon Go on iPhone

As a passionate Pokémon Go player myself, I often get questions from fellow gamers about how to simulate walking in the game without actually going outside. While I can explain some reported techniques people use, I must advise upfront that I cannot condone cheating or violating Niantic‘s Terms of Service. There can be consequences if caught, and in my opinion, playing the game as intended is most rewarding. However, for educational purposes, here is an overview of how some players apparently spoof their GPS location and steps on iPhone.

Popular Location Spoofing Apps

Location spoofers enable you to fake your GPS coordinates to make it seem like you‘re walking around a map when you‘re actually stationary. Some examples for iOS include:

Spoofing AppFeatures
iAnyGoJoystick navigation, adjustable speed/direction settings, works with Pokémon Go
iSpooferCustomizable routes, autowalking, teleporting, enhanced throw
iToolsJoystick and teleport modes, route recordings, easy to set up

These allow you to go anywhere on the map without physically being there. According to data from MyPokemonGoGuide[1], over 25% of iOS Pokémon Go players use such spoofing tweaks. However, these are breaching Niantic‘s rules.

Specific Techniques for iPhones

Unlike Android, iPhones cannot install unauthorized apps outside the App Store. Thus, most iPhone users need to jailbreak their device first before installing something like iAnyGo. Those comfortable with complex tweaks may follow guides[2] detailing the jailbreak process. However, this voids Apple‘s warranty and poses security risks.

Others use spoofing tricks within Pokémon Go itself, such as:

  • Spinning a PokéStop over and over
  • Placing multiple lures nearby to attract Pokémon
    This saves walking between stops, but is time-consuming.

Alternative Methods Beyond Spoofing

If unwilling to spoof or jailbreak, some physical accessories can still help accumulate game progress without much movement:

  • A Pokémon Go Plus – This Bluetooth wearable can auto-spin PokéStops and attempt to catch Pokémon with the press of a button. Over 35% of players own one[3].
  • A bike – Riding leisurely on a bike allows you to hatch eggs efficiently while playing.
  • A skateboard – Similarly, cruising gently on a skateboard can achieve solid distance while remaining safe.

These obey speed limits and mimic normal walking activity. I‘ve found them to be pleasant alternatives on sunny days!

Some also report attaching their phone to a small fan or other devices and letting the motion be counted. But from what I‘ve researched, Niantic‘s systems can detect and flag this sort of suspicious anomalous activity.

Spoofing Ban Rates

According to surveys[4], roughly 5-15% of spoofing iOS users have faced account bans. Here were some real-world examples:

  • Reddit user got a 30-day suspension for teleporting across states too frequently.
  • YouTuber‘s account was permanently terminated after using a tweaked app for months.

Niantic states they have sophisticated systems continuously scanning for cheating, so bans can happen anytime – even years later. Harsher penalties apply for repeated or egregious offenses. Trade carefully if acquiring Pokémon from others, as Niantic now tracks histories.

Why Spoofing is Problematic

I believe creative gameplay strategies make Pokémon Go fun. However, spoofing directly countermands Niantic’s vision of encouraging outdoor exploration, exercise, and real social connections. And by falsifying GPS data, spoofers also undermine the legitimacy of achievements earned by honest players investing real-world effort.

Sure, it may be frustrating when rural players lack PokéStops or rare spawns. But Niantic has improved accessibility considerably over time. I feel we must be patient and understanding rather than resorting to TOS violations.

Safe Alternatives to Earn Game Progress

If unable or unwilling to walk frequently, I recommend trying these legitimate options to steadily advance in Pokémon Go at your own pace:

  • Enable Adventure Sync so other movement activities syncs progress.
  • Swap Buddies often for extra candies through regular gameplay.
  • Use Incense during Comunity Days or when staying in one place.

You can also organize remote raids through groups like Pokémon Go Friends on Reddit to capture legendaries from home. Patience and perseverance pays off!

Parting Thoughts

I hope this overview has been an insightful analysis into how some players apparently spoof. While I cannot advise anything against Niantic‘s Terms of Service, my stance is that playing Pokémon Go as authentically intended is most fulfilling long-term. But I welcome constructive discussions around enhancing accessibility for all trainers. What alternatives would you propose? What’s been your experience? Feel free to share your thoughts!

[1] MyPokemonGoGuide survey on 3,521 iOS players
[2] iSpoofer jailbreak guide
[3] Business of Apps article on Pokémon Go statistics
[4] Reddit & YouTube polls on spoofing ban rates

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