How to Find High IV Pokémon in Pokémon GO

Finding Pokémon with high Individual Values (IVs) is an important part of becoming a top Pokémon GO trainer. But what exactly are IVs and how can you efficiently search for Pokémon with max or near-max IVs? This guide has you covered.

What are IVs?

IVs are hidden stats that determine a Pokémon‘s potential in battle. There are three IVs:

  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Stamina

Each IV ranges from 0 to 15, with 15 being the maximum. The higher the IVs, the stronger that Pokémon can become.

Why High IVs Matter

While all Pokémon of the same species have the same base stats, IVs allow them to reach different maximum stat totals. A 100% perfect IV Pokémon (15/15/15) will be about 10-15% stronger in battle than a 0% IV Pokémon (0/0/0) of the same species at the same level.

High IV Pokémon are crucial for:

  • Battling gyms and raids
  • Ranked PVP battles
  • Completing your Pokédex with strong versions of each Pokémon

Checking Your Pokémon‘s IVs

You can check your Pokémon‘s IVs using an online IV calculator or by appraising your Pokémon.

To appraise a Pokémon:

  1. Tap the menu in the lower right while viewing your Pokémon
  2. Select "Appraise"
  3. Your team leader will give a report indicating IV percentages

Search Strings for High IV Pokémon

Here are some useful search strings for your Pokémon Storage to filter for perfect and strong IV Pokémon:

  • 4* – Filters for 100% perfect IV Pokémon
  • 3* – Filters for 82-98% strong IV Pokémon
  • 0,1,2* – Filters for 0-80% weak IV Pokémon

You can combine these with other terms like "legendary", "shiny", or Pokémon names.

Maximizing Your IV Chances

Your best chances for finding high IV Pokémon is to:

  • Raid frequently – Raid bosses have a minimum 10/10/10 IV floor
  • Hatch eggs – Especially 10km eggs
  • Do field research tasks – Some have IV floors over 10
  • Lucky trade Pokémon – Guaranteed 12/12/12 IV minimum

Following these tips will set you up for IV success in Pokémon GO! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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