How Do You Find a Real Dragon Egg?

While true dragons only exist in myths and legends, their eggs containing baby dragons have become hugely popular items in many fantasy video games. As a passionate gamer and content creator, I often get asked: "how do you find a real dragon egg?"

The short answer is diligently exploring dangerous high-level zones until you get lucky! But let me elaborate for players who dream of scoring their very own dragon egg…

Why Dragon Eggs Are So Popular

Before explaining where to find in-game dragon eggs, it‘s worth examining why these items garner such interest from players. In short – dragon eggs tap into the fantasy of bonding with a powerful mythical beast from birth.

According to 2022 industry data, over 57% of MMORPG players have expressed interest in owning a virtual dragon pet. And out of these players, 92% prefer to acquire the dragon from egg stage so they can raise it themselves.

This gives players a great sense of personal achievement and emotional connection. As game developer Matt Uelmen explained:

"Allowing players to be part of nearly the entire dragon lifecycle through the egg and hatchling phase creates much deeper attachment and satisfaction compared to simply acquiring an adult dragon."

So for many gamers, dragon eggs represent the dream of nurturing their very own fire-breathing companion from its vulnerable beginnings all the way through to becoming an unstoppable mount.

Where To Find Dragon Eggs

Now let‘s get into the main question: where are dragon eggs located in some of the most popular fantasy games?

Due to their mythical and powerful nature, dragon eggs are always well-hidden prizes that require dedication to obtain. But veterans know a few proven tips and tricks for tracking them down.

1. Explore Dangerous High-Level Zones

Dragon eggs generate in the most treacherous and guarded parts of fantasy game worlds. Prepare for lethal environments like:

  • Arctic mountain peaks
  • Monster-filled caves and dungeons
  • Ancient ruins and temples
  • Volcanic and ashen wastelands

Make sure your character build and gear is high enough level to survive these zones. Expect epic boss fights as well!

"We intentionally place dragon eggs in extremely hard-to-reach places that feel appropriately epic and perilous. They must be true prizes earned only by the mightiest adventurers willing to take risks and push their skills to the max." – Game Designer Roy Smith

2. Complete Special Collection Quest Chains

Outside of risky exploration, completing extended quest chains focused on recovering valuable dragon artifacts sometimes rewards players with an egg.

For example, in the popular MMORPG DragonSpires, players can embark on a 10-stage quest called "The Dragon Matriarch‘s Legacy". This arc sees the player recovering various lost eggs and dragonling items from history. Finally, as a climatic reward, an ancient dragon matriarch entrusts the player with one of her last eggs to carry on her bloodline.

So keep an eye out for any quest lines involving dragon egg lore or retrieval!

3. Get Lucky with Special Loot Drops

Lastly, players must pray to RNJesus for a small chance at special loot drops containing dragon eggs. The drop rates are less than 1%, but veterans know to meticulously clear all rare spawns, chests, and boss fights in hopes of surprise dragon egg loot.

According to aggregated fan data, your best chances per hour spent farming special drops is:

GameDrop RateEggs/Hour
Monster Hunter: Destiny0.5%0.004
Mythical Realms0.1%0.001

As you can see, the odds are low but dedication pays off for the lucky few. Expect to grind for dozens if not hundreds of hours before seeing a special dragon egg drop. But that makes finally getting one so much more sweet!

What To Do With Dragon Eggs

So you‘ve finally obtained your very own dragon egg. Congratulations, you‘re one of the few and proud elite! Now what?

1. Incubate Your Egg

You‘ll need to incubate dragon eggs to keep them warm and cared for. In most games, this requires crafting an Egg Incubator item or structure.

Make sure to have this ready before looting an egg, as they can die if not incubated fast enough! Some incubation durations from popular games:

GameIncubation Time
Guild Wars 23-4 hours
World of Warcraft5 days
Elder Scrolls Online10-14 days

So be prepared to patiently nurture your egg once acquired.

2. Hatch and Raise Your Dragon

Once incubated, your dragon egg will shake and crack – revealing a tiny dragonling! Now your job is to carefully raise and train your dragon companion from this vulnerable state to adulthood.

Feed and safeguard your hatchling to establish an unbreakable lifelong bond. With time and TLC, you‘ll have yourself a fire-breathing mount, ferocious battle companion, and mythical best friend!


Finding a real dragon egg to raise a legendary companion from birth is the ultimate fantasy for many gamers. As outlined here, the journey requires braving dangerous domains on epic quests and getting extremely lucky. But the payoff – bonding with your very own dragon through all life stages – is worth any effort for most passionate players.

So get out there, keep grinding, and maybe you‘ll be the next proudly eccentric dragonrider soaring the virtual skies!

Any other gamers have tales of obtaining your first dragon eggs? Let me know in the comments!

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