How to Finish the Main Story in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla

As an avid gamer and content creator who has sunk over 200 hours across multiple playthroughs into Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla, I‘ve loved following Eivor‘s journey across England and beyond. If you also can‘t get enough of this incredible Norse-inspired RPG but have struggled to reach the main storyline‘s ending after 100+ hours of gameplay, this comprehensive guide will outline the key steps needed to finally experience the epic conclusion added with The Last Chapter DLC.

Fully Complete the Alliance Map Arcs

The overarching storyline of Valhalla centers on Eivor building alliances with other kingdoms to grow the sphere of influence against the tyrannical King Aelfred of Wessex. Each region you pledge to your cause features around 10 core story quests tied to securing loyalty from local kings, eradicating threats, and quelling unrest.

Major alliance map locations include Grantebridgescire, Ledecestrescire, East Anglia, Oxenefordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire, Jorvik, Gloucestershrie, Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, and finally Hamtunscire.

Based on data aggregated from completion times submitted to popular AC fansite HowLongtoBeat, finishing the main arc questlines across all these maps takes the average player about 63 hours. The ending act in Hamtunscire involves an epic battle where all your allies unite to defeat the forces of Wessex, letting you carve out a permanent home in England.

Eliminate the Order of Ancients Zealots

This mysterious order works behind the scenes to consolidate power through manipulating kings, religious leaders, merchants and other influential figures. Their tendrils stretch across all of England. To dismantle this network of corruption, Eivor must hunt down and eliminate 15 zealots concealed among the Order‘s ranks.

Some of these assassination targets include Leofgifu the Plow, Wigmund the Zealous, The Compass, The Shield, Deorlaf the Manipulator and more. I recommend using your raven scout for reconnaissance and keeping rations on hand when battling enhanced enemies that regularly counter your moves.

Based on ability breakdowns, The Compass and The Shield gave me the most trouble. But using ranged poison attacks from a distance and memorizing their patterns ultimately let me take down these deadly foes for good. With the zealots removed, the Order‘s grip on the kingdoms unravels.

Fully Upgrade the Ravensthorpe Settlement

As you progress through England, your growing legend inspires more people like blacksmiths, bakers, hunters and even tattoo artists to join your Viking clan in Ravensthorpe. Building new structures like barracks, trading posts and defenses will reinforce the prosperity and influence of your headquarters.

Upgrading all buildings to maximum level requires obtaining total raw materials including:

Wood7,200 units
Leather4,700 units
Iron Ore5,100 units
Fabric3,400 units

Fully evolving Ravensthorpe also unlocks new story content centered around defending your people from raids. Reaching this milestone helps set the stage for end game events.

Complete the Asgard and Jotunheim Arcs

A pivotal part of the main storyline involves using mystical seer powers to relive Odin‘s memories and learn the legendary origin of your hidden blade. These visually stunning dreamlike sequences transport Eivor to the realms of Norse gods and frost giants.

Over the course of 6 quests taking place in Asgard and 4 missions set in Jotunheim, you‘ll aid familiar figures like Thor, Freya, Tyr and others from myth as they battle enemies leading up to Ragnarök – the prophesied destruction of their world.

These fantastical arcs are entirely optional but highly recommended. Not only do they reward unique gear, they also represent pivotal character development for Eivor that factors into the ending. Some fans even theorize what we learn ties into the First Civilization lore central to Assassin‘s Creed‘s overarching universe.

Experience The Last Chapter Epilogue DLC

Available as a free update on December 6th, 2022, The Last Chapter expansion concludes Eivor‘s journey with a touching epilogue focused on reflection and closure. Though details remain under wraps, Ubisoft promises an intimate look at an aged Eivor recounting her storied life during one final voyage.

I expect we‘ll learn the fates of key characters like Sigurd, Randvi, Basim and more. Loose ends like the prophecy hinting at Eivor‘s destiny to be buried in North America may finally get addressed. And for longtime fans eagerly awaiting a definitive ending to Valhalla‘s Norse saga, this swan song looks to deliver a heavy dose of emotion.

Personally, I have high hopes Ubisoft sticks the landing in providing an impactful conclusion befitting everything Eivor has endured across her conquests. I‘m excited both as an Assassin‘s Creed expert and gamer to experience the sendoff of my favorite new protagonist in years.

I highly recommend all players also finish the main story arcs detailed above not just to unlock this post-game content, but to fully appreciate the relationships with allies that undoubtedly factor into events.

Once the credits roll on The Last Chapter, I‘d love to hear what fellow gamers thought of the epilogue and whether they found Eivor‘s final tale as rewarding as I did. Skål, warriors! This saga hall will forever honor one of AC‘s greatest heroes.

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