How to Force Fast Travel in Skyrim using Console Commands

When you need to quickly teleport across Skyrim, bypassing normal fast travel restrictions, the most direct method is using console commands. The main ones that allow force teleportation are:

coc – Center on Cell

The coc (center on cell) command instantly moves your character to the specified location ID. The basic syntax is:

coc <locationID>

For example, to teleport to the Bannered Mare inn in Whiterun, you‘d use coc WhiterunBanneredMare. This works for nearly all named interiors and buildings.

The main limitations with coc are:

  • It can break certain quests or NPC interactions
  • Only works for indoor areas, not outdoor zones
  • Requires knowing location IDs (though there are item codes to teleport to)

So use coc judiciously if needed but sparingly to avoid messing up gameplay.

tcl – Toggle Collision

Inputting tcl turns clipping mode on, allowing you to walk through objects like walls and mountains. This helps immensely for getting unstuck or reaching an area blocked by terrain.

However, tcl can cause crashes if used incorrectly, like when falling. And it breaks immersion and sequence, so avoid it when possible. But for emergencies, tcl will get you to safety quickly.


If fast travel gets mysteriously restricted or disabled, open the console and enter:

set NoFastTravel to 0

This will re-enable fast travel options. Switch it back to 1 after using fast travel if you still want that gameplay aspect disabled for added challenge.

tmm 1 – Toggle Map Markers

Show all map markers and icons using tmm 1. This ensures you‘ve discovered locations to unlock fast travel points, revealing undiscovered sites.

Between these main console commands, you can force teleportation almost anywhere in Skyrim when needed.

Owned Houses and Carriages

For less intrusive but still convenient teleportation without commands, utilize carriages and owned properties.

Carriages travel between all the major Hold capitals for 20-50 gold. Though slower than instant console teleports, carriages still shortcut long journeys.

Once bought, house sites like those in Whiterun and Windhelm offer permanent bedroom fast travel targets. Homes boast safe storage too for managing loot.

Followers and Targeted Mods

Certain followers offer quick transportation to their current location, though fewer have this capability after patching.

Mods like Random Teleport and Convenient Horses add markers and faster mounts for rapid exploration without directly using console commands in gameplay.

Dealing with Survival Mode

Skyrim‘s challenging Survival disables fast travel, requiring walking between all sites. But you can still ease this restriction with the above techniques:

  • Use coc and tcl for strategic teleportation
  • Toggle nofasttravel briefly to open map fast travel
  • Maximize speed with commands and mods when navigating

Just take care to avoid over reliance on teleportation which reduces Survival‘s emphasis on careful planning and navigation through harsh environments.

The joy of open world games like Skyrim is freely exploring at your own pace. But sometimes you just want to shortcut tedious journeys or bypass strange glitches. With the above console commands and techniques, you can force teleport or enable fast travel to keep adventures moving on your terms. Just remember to use responsibly!

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