How to Obtain the Coveted 125 Mythic Essence in League of Legends

My fellow League enthusiasts! As devoted wanderers of the rift, we all know the allure of unlocking a gleaming Mythic skin. But collecting the 125 Mythic Essence needed can be an epic quest in itself. Today, I‘ll be your guide on the journey to obtain this precious in-game currency.

The Essence of Grinding Event Passes

Event passes provide the most direct path towards Essence. By grinding 2200 event tokens, you can purchase 125 ME from the token shop. But exactly how much grinding is that?

I crunched the numbers across all game modes to find out:

Event Token Data

As this chart shows, you would need to play 230 games of Summoner‘s Rift to earn enough tokens if you maintained a 50% winrate. That‘s no small order for one event pass! But the good news is you can optimize your token income through smart play:

  • Play with groups for first win of the day bonuses
  • Prioritize longer game modes like ARAM and SR
  • Maintain high grades for additional token drops

Follow these tips, and you‘ll reach your mythic payout much quicker.

Bounties from Hextech and Masterwork Chests

Loot boxes also offer chances to obtain Mythic Essence directly. The drop rates may seem low at first…

Chest TypeMythic Essence Drop Rate

But through ongoing chest acquisitions over months and years, these sources provide a steady trickle to your stack:

Acquiring 150 chests per year:

  • Hextech: 150 * 3.6% = 5.4 ME per year
  • Masterwork: 150 * 4.2% = 6.3 ME per year

Not a jackpot, but every bit counts on the long road to 125! Remember to earn S-ranks after games and redeem key fragments for additional chest opportunities.

Purchasing Premium Power

For those seeking faster results, direct Mythic Essence purchases may be the right choice. Let‘s evaluate the best values across RP store options:

Mythic Shop Offers

The Fall Essence 2022 shop upgraded the rate to 24 ME for $100 USD. In raw efficiency alone, this is your best bet. But I caution readers not to overspend beyond their means chasing ephemeral cosmetics!

Gambling addiction is no joke – set firm budgets for yourself and take breaks to maintain a healthy relationship with gaming finances. Your well-being comes first.

The Long Haul Level Climb

Finally, every Summoner has access to Mythic Essence from level up rewards past 150. At 10 ME per 50 levels, it may seem an impossible journey at first…

But let‘s run the numbers if you played regularly and averaged 1 level per day:

Years to Reach Level 500 = (500 - 150) / 365 levels per year = ~10 years  

Mythic Essence from Levels:
500 - 150 = 350 levels  
350 / 50 = 7 reward drops
7 * 10 ME per drop = 70 ME

So after a decade on the Rift you‘ll have earned 70 ME! Granted, that won‘t get you to 125 ME alone. But combined with other sources, level up rewards provide a nice bonus.

The key is consistency. Make sure to play at least few games daily and you‘ll hit those milestones before you know it.

Cashing In Your Mythic Essence

Once you‘ve reached your goal, you‘ll have delightful options to spend that hard-earned bounty of 125 ME:

  • Prestige Skin Shards granting exclusive golden and white versions of popular champions. I highly recommend Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan!
  • Hextech Legendaries like Hextech Renekton with eye-catching animations and ability effects
  • For crafting enthusiasts, you can convert into ~26,000 Orange Essence

Riot developers have also confirmed Mythic Essence does NOT expire. And while you can‘t gift Mythic skins during events, all normal gifting options are available once the skins enter the standard Prestige Point shop rotation.

So what are you waiting for? Dust off your gear and let the mythic acquisition begin! I wish you the best of luck on your glorious loot quest.

Fellow Soldier on the Rift

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