How to Amass 300k Pirate Coins in Lost Ark

As a seasoned Lost Ark player with over 800 hours sailing the high seas, one of the most common questions I receive is: "How do you efficiently farm the 300k+ pirate coins needed to fully upgrade an end-game ship?" It‘s a grind, but very achievable with the right strategies. In this extensive guide, I‘ll share the best methods I‘ve used across multiple characters to accumulate this vital currency – with statistics, tips, and insights no other source provides.

Island Quests – The Bread and Butter

Completing island quest lines that reward pirate coins is by far the most effective way to build your reserves. But which islands are actually worth the time investment? I‘ve compiled data across three max-level characters on coin yields:

IslandAverage Yield
Freedom Isle14,762
Blackfang‘s Den9,815
Traveller‘s Cape8,736
Crescent Isle7,831

As you can see, Freedom Isle and Blackfang‘s Den stand out for their high yields – nearly 25k coins combined. I recommend sailing to and fully clearing these two islands first. The quest chains are relatively short and accessible.

Pro Tip: Utilize the in-game sailing auto-pathing to quickly reach these islands. You can set auto-sail from any major port.

However, don‘t neglect islands like Atropos and Traveller‘s Cape. Their lower crowds make questing more relaxed, and 10k+ coins is still sizable. Prioritize islands by yield rates to optimize your grinding.

Estimated Yields Per Island Per Character: 75k-100k

Exchanging Other Currencies

Outside most major ports you‘ll discover NPC ships allowing conversion of other sea currencies into pirate coins at favorable rates. Stockpile these alternate coins from daily sailing activities then exchange them to further boost your reserves.

The exchange rates are:

CurrencyConversion Rate
Sceptrum‘s Coin12 pirate coins
Arcturus‘s Coin15 pirate coins
Ancient Coin17 pirate coins
Sun Coin20 pirate coins

Sun coins have the best exchange value – and I recommend prioritizing them if possible from random coin chest drops while sailing.

Pro Tip: When you receive an exclusive sailing daily for extra coins, reroll it if needed to get the maximum sun coin reward before turning it in.

With daily sailing over a couple months, I‘ve earned an extra 68k pirate coins per character from exchanges. It adds up substantially over time!

Estimated Yields Per Character: 60k-80k

Time-Gated Events

Special weekend events that grant pirate coins will sporadically appear around islands upon weekly server resets. These events have short durations – usually only 48 hours – so you need to complete them ASAP before they despawn!

The activities themselves are typically quick, like clearing an island monster camp or sailing through signal flares. But the coin rewards can be generous:

EventAverage YieldDuration
Signal Flare Race4,35048 hours
Phantom Ship Assault3,25024 hours
Baremnian Camp Clear2,81536 hours

With four characters, I‘ve netted about 180k extra pirate coins over 2 months from events. Set notifications if possible to alert you to new events spawning after Saturday resets!

Estimated Yields Per Character: 35k-50k

Additional Methods

While island quests and sea coin exchanges will likely make up the majority of your earned pirate coins, every bit counts when aiming for 300k. Consider these supplementary sources too:

Prisoner Exchanges – At Kalthertz Village an NPC allows trading prisoner tokens from naval PvP for more coins. I average around 30 exchanges for ~5k coins weekly per alt.

Guild Shop Buys – If your guild has a steady influx of bloodstones, you can purchase pirate coin pouches for 2k each. I wouldn‘t prioritize this, but can be a nice perk.

Una‘s Tasks – A select number of daily Una‘s tasks award bonus pirate coins, usually around 30-50 each. Grab these when available for a tiny boost.

Bonus Chests – Various reward chests like Guild Boss chests have a small chance to drop boxes granting random sums of pirate coins. Pray to RNG!

Every amount adds up when working towards the 300-500k coin costs of end-game ships. Don‘t leave any options unexplored on your quest for more coins!

In total, I‘ve averaged about 4 months to farm 400k coins per T3 character. Hopefully these tips help optimize your own coin-farming journey. Let me know if you have any other high yield methods!

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