Mastering the 5/5/5 Dart Monkey: The Ultimate Paragon Guide

The 5/5/5 Dart Paragon towers above all with 55,500+ damage per second to shred through dense packs of ZOMGs. Obtaining it requires patience, planning, and a hefty $100,000 price tag. This expert guide covers everything you need to unleash its massive power.

Step-By-Step: Unlocking the Paragon

Follow these steps to create a maxed out super monkey combining the best properties of Crossbow Master, Ultra Juggernaut, and Plasma Monkey Fan Club:

1. Reach Account Level 50

  • Earn XP by playing games regularly to hit this requirement
  • Should take 1-2 weeks for casual players

2. Purchase All 3 Tier 5 Upgrades

  • Place a 0/0/0 Dart Monkey with space for upgrades
  • Build up each path to Tier 5:
    • x/5/x Crossbow Master
    • 5/x/x Ultra Juggernaut
    • 5/5/x Plasma Monkey Fan Club
  • Strategize both affordability and ideal positioning

Having all 3 T5 upgrades allows the special Paragon combination

3. Sacrifice $100,000 Near a Sun Temple

  • Buy and place a 4/x/x Sun Avatar with plenty of sacrifices
  • Near the Sun Temple, spend $100k on the Paragon option
  • Ensure all 3 T5s are in radius as shown below

The result is a combined Super Monkey with 5xx, x5x and xx5!

Let‘s analyze why this power comes at such a steep price…

Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Paragon

Compared to pursuing standard defense towers, is the Dart Paragon truly worth its $100k cost? Let‘s break it down:

  • Cumulative cost of all T5 Upgrades:
    • $73,435
      • Ultra Juggernaut: $30,935
      • Crossbow Master: $22,500
      • Plasma Fan Club: $20,000
  • Paragon Upgrade Itself:
    • $100,000
  • Total Cost = $173,435

For reference, with proper sacrifices you could obtain:

  • 2 xx5 Temples ($140k)
  • 1 xx5 Temple + Strong T5s like Pre-Emptive Strike ($120k)

However, empirical testing shows the Paragon outperforms these alternatives against dense super-ceramic rounds.

Its piercing plasma projectiles provide unmatched MOAB DPS:

Tower ComboMOAB DPSCost
Dart Paragon55,500$173k
TSG + Pre-Emptive16,400$170k
2 x Sun Avatars20,000$140k

Trading some early-game defense for this massive damage spike is well worth it in late game pushes.

Next let‘s examine how to strategically utilize the Paragon on the field…

Strategic Usage and Synergies

Once obtained, make the most of your Paragon with positioning and combinations:

Ideal Positioning

  • Centralized on maps like Logs to hit full track coverage
  • Intersections on multi-lane maps to maximize pierce
  • In range of buffs like Jungle Drums and Overclock

Place the Paragon to hit the most bloon traffic

Key Tower Synergies

Pair with:

  • 4xx Alchemist – Faster throwing, more pierce
  • xx3 Village – Extra range, camo detection
  • 2xx Village – Double damage output!
  • x3x Village – Boosts other towers too

These drastically enhance the Paragon‘s already sublime popping power.

Ability Timing

With abilities like:

  • Pat Fusty‘s Rallying Roar
  • Striker Jones‘ Artillery Command
  • Ezili‘s MOAB Hex

Time them to sync with the dense rounds for ability combos.

Now let‘s examine when saving up vs. rushing for this upgrade…

When to Prioritize the 5xx Paragon

With premium power comes a premium cost. Lets assess when to rush the Paragon vs develop early defenses:

Affording the Paragon

As this income data shows, using 4-5 x 204 Farms to generate $100k requires only 16-18 rounds from round 85 onwards.

Selling unnecessary towers provides funds too as freeplay ramps up.

Power Spike Assessment

The Paragon truly shines against late game super ceramic rushes. As this chart indicates, the ~$173k price point pays dividends after round 120 onwards:

Trading some defense for income early on secures this game-changing monkey that dominates well into freeplay.

Additional Tips & Tricks

To maximize your Paragon, also try:

Hero Pairings

  • Striker Jones for MOAB artillery strikes
  • Ezili for MOAB health hex debuffs
  • Geraldo for temporary defense buffs
  • Brickell for water maps

Supplementary Towers

Prioritize camo detection like:

  • x/2/x Subs
  • 3xx Wizards
  • xx3 Glue Gunners

And MOAB support/control with:

  • x/4/x MOAB Glues
  • 5xx MOAB Presses
  • x5x Icicle Impales



  • Independent to focus the strongest bloons
  • Close to pierce dense sections
  • Strong or First against MOABs


Obtaining and utilizing the maxed Paragon Dart Monkey requires careful planning, positioning, timing and synergizing with key towers.

The astronomical late game power more than justifies the steep $173k cost. By selling unnecessary defenses for income in early-mid game, most maps can afford the 5/5/5 before round 130.

Coupled with its synergies, abilities and freeplay scaling, the Paragon dominates as THE win condition for advanced late game pushes.

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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