How to Get a Level 500 Dino in ARK

As a hardcore ARK player with over 2000 hours invested, I‘ve tamed my fair share of high-level beasts. But the recent addition of 500 as the new max dino level poses an exciting challenge for even the most seasoned survivors. Through extensive testing across multiple maps and servers, I‘ve discovered the best tactics to find, tame, and breed these walking tanks.

Brace for Impact: How the Level Cap Increase Shakes Up the Meta

The new level cap has some profound implications that will reshape the PVP landscape. Just looking at base stats, a level 500 Rex has over 300,000 health and 1,200% melee damage – more than triple its old potential!

Small tribes and solo players will struggle to contend with mega alliances decking out level 500 dinos in top-tier saddles and mutations. Raising the skill ceiling also advantages veteran players with intricate breeding programs. We may see a revival of hardcore "alpha" tribes dominating servers through sheer firepower.

However, the upside for PVE players is huge. Level 500 creatures can easily clear bosses and eliminate any shred of difficulty from the game world. Plus just think about cruising around on a super-speedy 500 Tickle Chicken!

Step 1: Crank Up the Difficulty

By default, ARK caps wild dinos at level 150. To access 500, you‘ll need to override the settings:


This makes 10x the vanilla difficulty, allowing wild dinos up to level 500 (150 x 10). The max difficulty boolean removes caps based on the map.

You‘ll also want these ini options:


This combo multiplies XP gains for faster leveling, speeds up taming timers, increases harvesting yields, and lowers cuddle requirements for imprinting. The settings are tailored around level 500 creatures – you‘ll need the boosts!

Note that these options require a server reset to take effect.

Step 2: Locate Spawn Zones

Now that you can access level 500, they still only have a 0.2% chance to spawn. So finding them comes down to coverage. Based on player reports, these areas seem particularly fruitful:

  • The Plains (Island)
  • Viking Bay (Ragnarok)
  • Crystal Isles Inland Spawn Zone
  • White Shoals Basin (Lost Island)
  • I recommend using admin commands to wipe spawns:


    Then fly laps while checking dino levels with your spyglass. It may take hours before a 500 pops – be diligent! Having multiple tribemates cover ground speeds this up tremendously.

    Some maps also include special high-level spawns:

    • Ice Cave (Ragnarok)
    • Dragon Arena (Valguero)

    Step 3: Prepare Your Taming Corps

    When you do finally spot a level 500, it‘s non-negotiable to tame it successfully. assemble a skilled taming team including:

  • Knockout Specialist – high-damage crossbow user
  • Narcotics Provider – 10k+ narcotics minimum
  • Prime Meat Collector – thousands of prime meat
  • Bodyguard Team – ward off pesky enemies
  • I also recommend bringing multiple spare crossbows in case yours breaks, and a Daedon to provide healing.

    Stockpiling resources takes serious farming but pays off tremendously. Don‘t skimp here!

    Step 4: Execute a Flawless Tame

    When taming day finally arrives, lead with the knockout specialist to tranq the creature into unconsciousness. Quickly surround it with spike walls to secure the scene.

    The narcotics provider then begins force-feeding a ludicrous supply of narcotics while the meat collector hand-feeds prime meat. Quality and quantity are both crucial!

    With how long a 500 takes to tame, the bodyguard crew will assuredly be tested by waves of terror birds, titanoboas, troodons, and the usual annoyances. Fend them off at all costs!

    If done perfectly, after 4+ real-time hours of intensive care you‘ll have yourself a max-level beast. Rejoice and welcome it to your army!

    Step 5: Mutate Your Dynasty

    Breed together your freshly tamed 500s and hatch the eggs. Raise babies with mutations granting bonus levels and stat boosts. Combine stacks of mutations over generations to create a bloodline of demigods!

    If you can cement a tribe around elite level 500 animals, no server will stand in your way. That‘s the unmatched potential this update brings.

    So rally your crew, grind those rexes and gigas, and dominate your domain! Just beware of bringing too much firepower to PVE…

    Let me know if this guide helps you bag some beasts! Happy hunting survivors.

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