How to Get Free Adept Weapons in Destiny 2

As a long-time Destiny player with hundreds of hours grinding endgame activities, I‘ve amassed quite the arsenal of adept weapons. These rare, ultra-powerful guns are some of the most coveted in the game. In this guide, I‘ll share everything I‘ve learned about scoring free adepts through Trials, Grandmasters, and Master Vault of Glass.

What Are Adept Weapons?

For those unfamiliar, adept weapons have enhanced stats and can slot exclusive adept weapon mods. These provide even more range, stability, reload speed, and other bonuses not found on normal weapons. Most importantly, adepts trade guaranteed drops for sheer power.

Acquiring these mighty guns requires proving yourself in Destiny 2‘s most demanding challenges: high-stakes PvP, relentlessly punishing strikes, and raids requiring perfect execution across long encounters. Today I‘ll cover efficient paths for earning free adepts in each arena.

Trials of Osiris Guide: Channel Your Inner Sweat

Trials of Osiris pits teams of 3 against each other in fast-paced, elimination Crucible matches. You‘ll need to string together 7 back-to-back wins on a Passage card to earn a trip to the Lighthouse and unlock adept drops.

  • Flawless Rate Across All Players: 2%
  • Flawless Rate For Top 10% Players: 22%

As those intimidating stats show, going flawless is no cakewalk. Having played over 300 cards, here is my best advice:

Strong Team Synergy is Vital

Relying on LFG teams rather than a regular squad makes flawsless runs exponentially harder. Develop map strategies, callouts, and subclass synergies with teammates through practice.

The Meta Reigns Supreme

Most weeks, I run subclass/primary weapon combos such as:

  • Nightstalker with The Messenger pulse rifle
  • Voidwalker with The Inquisitor shotgun
  • Gunslinger with Astral Horizon shotgun

These loadouts help my fireteam collapse on opponents quickly thanks to strong mobility and lethality up close.

Analyzer stats for the most used subclasses and weapons each weekend using sites like Destiny Tracker. You need any edge you can get, so don‘t run off-meta favorites if you‘re serious about flawless.

Take Advantage of Scrim Opportunities

Sign up for scheduled PvP scrimmages with other stacked teams to hone your skills before your Trials card. Sites like Crewsader Scrims or Destiny 2 Scrim Finder make finding and organizing these invaluable practice matches easy.

Target Farm Adept Nightfall Weapons

Adept Nightfall weapons have a small chance to drop when completing strikes at Grandmaster difficulty. Reaching the pinnacle cap to even launch Grandmasters takes dedication alone. Once inside, ridiculous modifiers like Champions that can melt your team in seconds and Locked Equipment demanding build perfection await.

Average Clear Time: 30-40 minutes

Average Drop Rate at Platinum Champion Rank: ~15%

However, repeated clears over the 3 months a Nightfall weapon is available offers multiple chances per hour at your adept god roll. Follow this advice to maximize rewards:

Inspect Rotation Schedule

Upcoming featured adept weapons are previewed in the Nightfall tooltip. Target farm during the weeks with guns you want, as off-weeks may not be worth the time investment.

WeekAdept Drop
Feb 21Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Feb 28Shadow Price (Assault Rifle)

Lean Into Champion Stuns

Certain Nightfalls feature Barrier, Unstoppable, Overload, or multiple Champion types. luckily, stunning Champions triggers a damage phase crucial for quickly burning them down. Coordinate shield breaking and ability rotation within the team. For example:

  • Titan uses Unstoppable Pulse Rifle stun
  • Hunter follows up with Slowva Bomb
  • Warlock finishes with Fusion rifle burst damage

Following Champion stun windows with burst supers, heavies, and specials rewards your squad with fast clears and thus, more adept chances per play session.

Master Vault of Glass – Pinnacle PvE Challenge

The Vault of Glass raid‘s Master difficulty checks all of a fireteam‘s boxes – communication, technical execution, adaptability. And as the pinnacle endgame PvE challenge, it offers Timelost adept weapons as the reward for this ultimate test of skill.

Full Clear Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Estimated Drop Rate: ~10% per encounter

I wholeheartedly believe Vault of Glass is Destiny 2‘s best raid both mechanically and aesthetically. That said, after 72 looted Master clears, I‘ve compiled the best high-level tips so you can experience its legendary weapons and environments yourself:

Strong subclasses reign supreme

Well of Radiance Warlocks provide invaluable healing and damage buffs for every encounter. Ursa Furiosa Sentinels can block otherwise fatal damage from loads of raid mechanics. Bottom-tree Nightstalkers offer crucial invisibility for revives. Prioritize these supportive classes first as their abilities enable your entire raid group.

Master DPS weapons and strategies

For boss encounters like Templar, Atheon, and the hidden Oracle Chest, every ounce of damage matters when aiming for the clear. Study community theorycrafter analysis on seasonal power weapons like Gjallarhorn, Stormchaser, or Taipan to maximize your group damage output.

DPS Rankings – Vault of Glass

WeaponDamage Per Second

Raid report analysis

Checking your team‘s clears and experience helps determine best strategies. For example, an inexperienced relic holder at Templar may benefit from an additional person focusing Oracle callouts so they can focus just on managing shield timing.

Sites like Raid Report allow you to inspect player histories and plan accordingly. The data helps me adapt my guidance to my LFG group‘s strengths.

So don‘t be afraid to analyze and optimize! That mentality will serve you well on the long road to collecting all Timelost adept weapons.

Conclusion: Enjoy the Journey

With flawless cards costing 3-6 hours and Master raids taking 60-90 minutes each, adept weapons are no small time investment. My closing advice? Take time to enjoy and socialize during the grind. The guns will come in time.

Destiny offers no greater thrill than toppling final raid bosses, clutching up final round comebacks on match point in Trials, or finally seeing mythical "adept" pop up on your Grandmaster reward screen. Hopefully this guide helps curious solo players and veterans alike experience those satisfying moments.

Now get out there, Guardians…adept god rolls aren‘t going to earn themselves! What‘s your next adept weapon target? Let me know in the comments!

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