How do you get more than a basic box in Pokémon HOME?

As an avid Pokémon collector boasting over 500 creatures in my boxes, the first question I get from new Pokémon HOME users is always: "How do you unlock more boxes?"

The key is to subscribe to the Premium plan, which unlocks up to 200 boxes capable of holding a whopping 6,000 Pokémon! Let‘s take a deep dive into exactly how to unlock this massively expanded storage space.

Pokémon HOME Box Space Allowances

First, let‘s examine the differences between Basic and Premium box allotments:

PlanBoxesMax Pokémon
Basic1 Box30
Premium200 Boxes6,000

As you can see, Premium provides a monumental storage increase – capable of holding the complete National Dex over 20 times over!

For comparison, even Pokémon Bank only enabled 3,000 creatures, so HOME‘s 6k threshold is a true game-changer for us dedicated collectors.

The Cost of Mass Pokémon Storage

Now for the question on every Trainer‘s mind – how much for this Premium-tier storage?

  • Monthly: $2.99
  • Quarterly: $4.99
  • Annually: $15.99

Compared to previous services, this represents excellent value:

  • Pokémon Bank: $4.99 monthly or $14.99 annually

Given Pokémon HOME‘s doubled 6k storage and cheaper yearly price, upgrading is now a no-brainer!

Unlocking Boxes by Depositing Pokémon

But how exactly do you unlock those 200 elusive boxes?

It‘s simple – deposit a least one Pokémon into each new box. If you toss Pokémon into 5 boxes, you‘ll now have 6 available. Stick one in each of the next 100 boxes, now you‘ve got 106 open for freer Pokémon storage!

This does mean you‘ll need to gradually accumulate boxes, but trust me – it‘s well worth it once you pass 50+ boxes and still keep accumulating more!

Stay Organized with Customization Tools

Now, staring down 52 boxes brimming with 800 Pokémon might seem daunting. But that‘s where Pokémon HOME‘s stellar organizational tools shine!

You can fully customize each Box:

  • Name boxes by generation, type specialty, competitive/bred Pokémon, etc.
  • Design fun wallpapers for quick visual ID of each box‘s purpose
  • Tag Pokémon with markers – stars, ribbons, circles, squares
  • Filter by egg group, type, stats, origin game, region, etc.
  • Quick-check summary data likeAbility, Moves, Ribbons with a tap

Set your boxes up right, and you‘ll smoothly surf an ocean of hundreds of boxes and thousands of Pokémon!

Hitting the Current Pokémon Ceiling

With 200 box allowance filled to capacity, Pokémon HOME Premium caps out at 6,000 creatures – the new absolute limit available across all Pokémon titles.

This finally makes achieving every attainable Pokémon possible with space to spare! According to Serebii‘s National Dex tally – even attaining all 898 known species leaves nearly 5,000 open slots.

So for we diehard "catch ‘em all" Trainers, HOME removes the last barrier standing between us and complete National Pokédex glory!

What Does the Future Hold?

Currently, that 6,000 mon threshold sits as the apex of Pokémon storage. But looking forward, Game Freak continues unveiling new species every generation, marching toward the 1,000 Pokémon milestone.

Will Pokémon HOME again double available box space in the future? As a stalwart franchise, Pokémon remains well-positioned to further adapt cloud-based services to satisfy fans as the Poké-universe inevitably expands.

For now, trainers can rest easy knowing Pokémon HOME provides more than enough breathing room to house National Dex completion dreams!

So get out there, grab that Premium plan, and start catching ‘em all fellow trainers! This is our collectors‘ golden age – and the possibilities seem unlimited!

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