Unlocking the S.S. Anne: An Expert Gamer‘s Guide

As an avid Pokémon gamer and walkthrough creator with years of experience across multiple titles, I‘m thrilled to provide you a comprehensive guide on obtaining access to the legendary S.S. Anne cruise liner in Pokémon FireRed.

The Allure of the S.S. Anne

Since her debut appearance in 1997‘s Pokémon Red/Blue, the S.S. Anne has captured the imagination of each generation of new Pokémon trainer. Her size, her style, and most of all – the bounty of items and gameplay significance she holds, have solidified her status as one of the franchise‘s most iconic locations.

As longtime fans know, the ship sets sail once and only once per save file. So it‘s imperative you exploit every inch of her before departure!

Hopefully the insights I provide in this guide help you make the most of her amenities. Shall we board?

Acquiring the S.S. Ticket

The glittering S.S. Ticket serves as your boarding pass onto the luxury liner. But obtaining one is no leisurely task. Only the accomplished scientist Bill holds tickets for distribution.

You’ll find this Pokémaniac isolated north of Cerulean City in a small cottage, fused with one of his research specimens in a teleportation accident.

Once you’ve gathered the resources needed to separate him safely, he’ll graciously offer a ticket for your troubles.

Expert Tip: Be sure to scour Bill’s home beforehand for two rare items – the Eevee and Moon Stone!

LocationItemSpawn Odds
Bill‘s House 2F RightEevee (one-time)100%
Bill‘s BackyardMoon Stone5%

I recommend saving first when attempting to grab the 5% Moon Stone. Its high sale price of 2100P at Celadon Dept. Store makes it well worth the soft reset grind!

With ticket in bag, set sail for Vermillion City to the south.

Vermillion Harbor

Docked proudly along Vermillion’s waterfront, the S.S. Anne gleams bright white in the sunlight. All that separates you is a single crew member who checks tickets before permitting entry onto the boarding ramp.

Caution: Some dishonest gamers recommend utilizing the newly acquired Cut HM to skip ticketing by barging straight through the harbor gate guards that block southern Vermillion City early on.

While inventive, missing out on Bill’s errand and moon rock hunt cripples you on items and experience!

Always take the reputable route when playing Pokémon titles. Cheaters never prosper!

Welcome Aboard!

Once allowed on deck, stroll the exterior first then head below to traverse her three inner levels.

I advise battling every trainer found on board to boost your roster and pockets before tackling the next gym. With Cut allowing deeper wilderness access, higher leveled Pokémon await!

Be sure to also gather TMs, berries, and other freebies scattered about. And don‘t forget speaking to kitchen staff to slather walls with honey and capture some unique species!

Captain’s Quarters & TM Cut

On the topmost level you’ll discover the captain’s cabin. Words cannot express the importance of the reward obtained here for advancing the story – HM01 Cut.

Teach this technique immediately to a trusted fighter before descending below.

Critical Advisory: Do NOT exit the S.S. Anne until Cut is in your possession! Without its foliage-clearing might to earn the next gym’s badge, you‘ll be stuck with no hope of rescue!

Now that you‘re prepared to leave ship, exit down the ramp back onto solid land whenever ready. Just don‘t drag your feet!

All Ashore That‘s Going Ashore!

Here comes the crucial moment. As soon as you step foot on harbor bricks, a short scene plays where Team Rocket attacks the cruise ship, threatening to sink her!

After thwarting the villains, the captain declares the voyage over and orders immediate evacuation. Flee back down the ramp you entered to watch the chaotic escape unfold!

Heart pounding, you sprint for safety as the S.S. Anne begins listing from a fierce storm, eventually capsizing entirely into the frothing sea…

And thus the legendary ship completes her lone journey during your adventure. No refunds!

Impacts of Missing the Boat

As you may have gleaned already, failure to obtain HM01 Cut onboard permanently blocks game progression. But without gathering key items or training against the ship’s eclectic passenger roster, the late-game struggles even harder.

While cheats can possibly salvage a missing Cut, it’s the profound early level boosts and specialized TMs provided that prove invaluable down the road. Especially facing the menacing league champion…

This punctuates the S.S. Anne’s legacy as pivotal beyond measure for success. Check her off your bucket list, but only after cleaning her out first!

So there you have it – the definitive walkthrough to conquering the legendary cruise liner in Pokémon FireRed. Let me know if any questions remain! Fair tides and may the power of Cut compel you!

-RedAkiba 🎮

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