So you want to get out of Iki Island? Here‘s the deal…

Listen up ghosties…if you‘re looking to get back to the lush fields of Tsushima after taking a detour to the rugged Iki Island, I‘ve got great news – there IS a way out! But you‘ll need to put in the work first by besting the mythical Eagle. I‘ll walk you through everything, just like a trusty gaming sensei.

It‘s all about finishing the main story questline

Iki kicks off by boat, sweeping you into the past along with your heroic pal Jin Sakai. Before you can dream of leaving though, you‘ve got a date with destiny in the form of a seriously intense story questline just BEGGING to be finished!

Here‘s the rundown on what you‘re dealing with mission-wise:

  • Journey into the Past – The gateway drug to Iki‘s meaty narrative
  • The Curse of Uchitsune – Take down an undead jerk from Jin‘s past
  • The Undying Flame – Chase rumors and tussle with the local Eagle Clan
  • The Past Beneath Our Feet – A traumatic trip down memory lane
  • Blood and Duty – The lead-up to the big baddie battle
  • The Blessing of Death – Swords clash with Eagle as emotional stakes peak!

Based on playtimes I‘ve researched from other lethal assassins, it‘ll likely take you anywhere from 5 to 10 hours depending on how much side content you soak up along the way.

Trust me though, the brilliantly orchestrated climax against Eagle MORE than pays off everything you do to get there! Just make sure you…

Don‘t try fast traveling early on!

As you dive deeper into Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island‘s mysterious origins, you‘ll likely start itching to warp back to ole Tsushima before things are through. Avoid the temptation! Early main missions intentionally prevent access to fast travel, so any attempts are doomed to failure.

Just keep chasing that plot, and the option will organically open up in time. Think of it like going to your favorite theme park…you HAVE leave when the day is done rather than bailing halfway through!

Once Eagle is slain in the epic "The Blessing of Death" finale, YOU get the blessing of fast travel opening back up for business! But more on that soon…

Freedom after you defeat The Eagle

The climactic battle with Eagle, Matriarch of the distant Iki Islanders, is a true test of skill – she dual-wields a sword and spear-like stave to bring a furious onslaught of steel and pain!

But should you manage to take her down, Jin and the player alike are rewarded with unrestrained freedom.

You‘ll know you‘ve won the right to depart Iki Island when a big ole‘ notification pops declaring fast travel available. However you choose to celebrate, just speak to the ship captains northwest of Mount Seaborne to organize transport back to Tsushima!

Smooth sailing back to mainland madness

Stepping aboard those creaky wooden vessels back to Tsushima almost feels poetic…the emotionally charged ride serves as definitive bookends to your fateful Iki Island detour!

Once docked, it may take a moment to get your bearings again without Eagle Clan patrols nipping at your heels. But Tsushima‘s embrace welcomes you back with open arms!

Just don‘t forget the lessons learned while separated from the mainland madness. Iki Island will always be a part of Jin Sakai after mirroring his traumatic past. Luckily the ghosts of Iki can still be visited anytime thanks to unlocked fast travel!

But what do I know – I‘m just a fellow gaming geek happy to help others. If you still have questions around parting ways with Iki Island, hit me up! The gaming grind stops for no one.

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