How to Get Peaches in Harvest Town: The Ultimate Farming and Harvesting Guide

To get peaches in Harvest Town, players must plant and grow Peach Tree Seeds, carefully tend peach trees as they mature, and harvest peaches when trees produce fruit each Spring and Summer. Read on for pro tips to build a booming peach empire!

Peach Basics

Peach trees are deciduous fruit trees that produce deliciously sweet, vibrantly colored peach fruits when mature.

In Harvest Town, peach trees:

  • Take 15 days to fully mature from seeds
  • Produce ripe peaches every 5 days in Spring and Summer
  • Sell for 250-350 G each at the Goods Stall
  • Can be harvested 4-5 times per tree before going dormant in Winter

So let‘s dive into how to successfully grow these stone fruit cash crops on your farm!

Planting Peach Trees

Peach Tree Seeds must first be purchased from the Seeds Store for 150 G apiece. Each Peach Tree Seed then must be planted and cared for over 15 days before producing harvests.

Ideal planting conditions:

  • Full sun exposure – southern exposure works best
  • Plant in soil with pH between 6.0-7.0 – peaches thrive in neutral to mildly acidic soil.
  • Leave 3-5 open tiles around seed for mature tree space. Trees need room to grow!

Many farmers swear by fertilizing newly planted seeds and trees with Quality Fertilizer (+25% growth speed) or Premium Fertilizer (+50% growth speed) purchased at the Material Store. The investment pays off with faster growth and higher fruit yields!

Peach Tree Care

Caring for peach trees is essential during the 15 day growth process for healthy, vibrant crops down the line:

  • Water daily – never let soil dry out while trees are leafing out
  • Weed around trees – remove grass and debris to reduce competition
  • Add fertilizer again at the 1 week mark to amplify growth
  • Install sprinklers to automatically water (Saves time! Frees you to farm more land)

Neglecting trees at this stage can critically impact fruit yields later on, so consistency is key! Hardy peach trees can withstand cold Spring nights, as long as their roots don‘t freeze.

Harvest Town Peach Harvesting Guide

SeasonHarvests Per TreeYield Per HarvestSale Price Each
Spring3-510-15 peaches250-350 G
Summer4-615-20 peaches250-350 G

Harvesting Peach Trees

After 15 long days, peach trees finally begin producing their pink-hued stone fruit bounty!

Trees enter prime harvesting season when fruit appears plump, vibrantly colored, and easy to remove from branches. Ripe peaches should feel slightly soft when gently squeezed.

To harvest:

  1. Approach a fruiting peach tree
  2. Press the interact button
  3. Watch as your farmer automatically gathers all ripe peaches into their rucksack!

Harvesting peaches does not damage trees – they‘ll continue producing more fruit every 5 days in Spring and Summer. Take good care of those trees!

Peach Uses

Sell surplus harvest for fast cash at the Goods Stall. Prices fluctuate daily, but peaches sell for around 250-350 G each based on supply and demand.

Beyond selling raw peaches, consider:

  • Gifting peaches to quickly befriend villagers
  • Making Peach Pie at the Cooking Set – sells for more money!
  • Keeping some peaches to replenish stamina and health

Designing Your Peach Orchard

Peach tree orchard design example

Plant peach trees together in designated orchards around your farm for efficiency.

This allows you to care for and harvest many trees quickly. Leave enough space between trees for branch/fruit growth.

Sprinkler coverage is key for reducing daily watering labor. Weave paths between trees to easily navigate harvests!

Go Plant Peaches in Harvest Town!

Now you have all the tools needed to kickstart your own spectacular peach orchard in Harvest Town. Follow these best practices for peach tree care from seed to sale, and you‘ll be raking in sweet profits and neighborly affection through bountiful harvests. Just don‘t forget to take a juicy bite for yourself now and then!

What will you do with your peach fortunes? Expand your farm? Gift baskets to woo a spouse? The possibilities are endless with peach power on your side.

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