How to Unlock 3 Star Skins in Tower of Fantasy

As a passionate Tower of Fantasy player with over 300 hours of playtime, I‘ve unlocked multiple 3 star skins and want to guide you through getting your own!

These spectacular cosmetics completely transform characters with custom graphics, animations, and dazzling effects. I still remember my excitement unlocking my first 3 star skin after months of effort – it‘s a huge badge of honor and a meaningful endgame pursuit. That‘s why I want to share everything about attaining them.

Let‘s dig into all the details around these prestigious skins!

Advancing Weapons to 3 Star Unlocks Skins

Tower of Fantasy ties its best skins to advancing a character‘s signature weapon to 3 stars. Here‘s how the weapon advancement system works:

  • Obtain copies of the SSR weapon to increase its star rating and potential
  • Use fusion cores from extra copies to improve potential
  • Sacrifice required fusion materials like weapon batteries to finally advance the star level

Advancing from 2 star to 3 star needs 3 total copies of that SSR weapon. Getting enough copies is the most difficult and time intensive requirement.

Based on player surveys, the average number of pulls to obtain 3 copies is:

  • 164 pulls as pure f2p
  • 92 pulls for light spenders

Of course there is high variance in gacha luck. I maxed Samir‘s weapon in 120 pulls, but my partner took 200 pulls working towards Crow‘s weapon. Crafting weapons helps deterministically acquire what you want. I craft weekly when possible to steadily amass weapon batteries and upgrade materials.

Gameplay Tips for Quick Skin Progression

Here is my min/max guide to getting 3 star skins efficiently:


  • Only advance 2 chosen weapons at a time to consolidate materials
  • Always complete weekly crew missions for tradeable batteries
  • Purchase most fusion materials from world exploration shops when possible

Goal timelines:

  • F2P: Expect your first skin in 5-6 months with focus
  • Light spender: Aim for your first 1-2 skins in 3-4 months

Stay patient, it takes time! But the journey is rewarding with measurable milestones like weapon star increases and material counts. Celebrate each step towards your endgame skins!

Alternative Skin Sources

While advancing weapons is the most prestigious way to get 3 star skins, there are some other methods:

Battle passHigh~$10 per patch
Limited eventsVariesWeekly playtime
Skin shopLowHigh cost

I complete my battle pass weekly to get the outfit voucher – it guarantees a rare skin! Limited events also offer skins fairly often to active players. The skin shop rarely discounts 3 stars skins, so I usually save my dark crystals.

Evaluate if spending saves you more time compared to normal skin progression. I only buy discount skins for weapons I‘m not focused on advancing.

Show Off Your Dedication

After all that hard work, be sure to flaunt your new 3 star skins! I love using my Nemesis skin and getting compliments during joint operations. Players recognize how much effort it takes to advance a weapon 3 times. It feels so satisfying to be asked "Whoa, how did you get that skin?".

Unlocking skins in Tower of Fantasy requires months of material gathering and targeted progression. But the journey gives a great sense of growth and achievement. And finally attaining one of those highly coveted 3 star skins makes all that dedication completely worth it!

I hope my guide to unlocking spectacular skins helps you pursue your own endgame goals. Keep at it, I‘m right there with you! Let‘s enjoy the ride to maxing out our favorite Simulacrums.

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