Unlocking the All in Order Challenge in GTA Online

As a passionate GTA Online gamer and content creator, one of my favorite challenges to complete is the "All in Order" heist challenge. Successfully finishing this challenge nets you a sweet $1 million bonus – definitely worth the effort!

What Is the All in Order Challenge?

The All in Order challenge requires you to complete all the original four heist missions in GTA Online in order, from start to finish, with the same team of players. This means doing the initial reconnaissance, prep work, setup jobs, and finale for each heist without failing any missions along the way.

Here are the four heists included:

  1. The Fleeca Job
  2. Prison Break
  3. Humane Labs Raid
  4. Series A Funding
  5. The Pacific Standard Job

Finish them in order, with the same crew, and you‘ll unlock a $1 million bonus once you complete the finale of the last heist.

Tips for Completing the Challenge

Check out these pro tips from my experience achieving this challenge multiple times:

Coordinate Your Team

Having a reliable, coordinated heist crew is key. I‘d recommend having 3-4 trusted players who can communicate clearly and know their roles. Make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of availability and dedication.

Armored Kuruma Car

Purchase the armored Kuruma once you can afford it. This versatile ride makes prep missions and heist setups much easier thanks to its speed and armor against enemy gunfire.

Start on Normal Difficulty

The challenge doesn‘t require you to play on Hard difficulty, so begin on Normal if you‘re struggling. Once you get comfortable, switch to Hard for bigger payouts.

Quick Save and Restart

Don‘t be afraid to quick save and restart missions if someone loses a life early on. Having everyone survive is crucial to minimizing restarts.

Is the Reward Worth It?

For veteran crews, the All in Order challenge offers the chance to put your skills to the test while banking a $1 million bonus. It may take a few tries, but the payoff is lucrative and prestigious.

For newer players, I‘d work on building experience with a few earlier heists before attempting this challenge. But it‘s a great goal to work towards as you improve.

Either way, pulling off this feat with your crew is extremely satisfying! The coordinated effort reminds me why I love GTA Online‘s creative team-based challenges.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I could talk GTA heists all day.

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