How to Get the Legendary Kraken Katana in GPO

As a long-time Grand Piece Online gamer and content creator, I am often asked: "How do you get the Kraken Katana?" This powerful Legendary sword has a mere 1% chance to drop from the formidable Kraken boss, making it an elusive prize that requires dedication and perseverance to obtain.

Locating the Vicious Kraken

The first step is actually finding the Kraken. This aquatic beast spawns randomly in the Second Sea‘s Rough Waters region. Based on community reports, it seems to surface every 1-3 hours. However, server hopping can reset the timer and score you a quicker encounter.

Once the familiar tentacles breach from the sea, prepare for a intense fight!

The Kraken has 2 million HP and high damage attacks like Anchor Toss that will quickly overwhelm unprepared crews. I strongly advise bringing multiple teammates and plenty of food to endure the onslaught.

With flawless teamwork and combat mastery, you can slay the beast in under 5 minutes. Just keep whittling down its health until you emerge victorious!

The Infamous 1% Drop Rate

Defeating the epic Kraken is just the first hurdle. You still need outrageous luck to drop the Kraken Katana. As the stats show, it has a 1% chance which translates to roughly 1 out of every 100 kills:

ItemRarityDrop Rate
Kraken KatanaLegendary1%

With odds like that, the Kraken Katana remains out of reach for most players. In fact, after 500 Kraken kills, there is still a 63% chance you won‘t get it.

"I farmed everyday for a month before finally getting my Katana," remarks friendlysea4463, a top GPO speedrunner.

To boost your prospects, equip drop-chance boosting Paramecias like Mero Mero no Mi (50% increase at max mastery). Trading for a Lucky Top Hat also helps. Ultimately, it comes down to dedication and luck.

Grinding Tips from a Seasoned Veteran

Having defeated Kraken over 300 times myself, I‘ve learned a few tips to make the grind more efficient:

  • Use mobility moves like Soru to quickly circle the waters spawn-checking for Kraken. This cuts down the time between kills.
  • Server hop often after each kill to force quicker respawns. Hopping sessions of ~10 servers tends to yield Kraken within 20 minutes for me.
  • Find a solid crew willing to farm for hours without breaks. Few can endure the true Kraken grind alone without risking burnout.
  • Equip drop boosters like Lucky Top Hat, Mero Mero no Mi, Baal‘s Head, etc. Every % counts when chasing 1% odds!

Follow this advice and you‘ll shave dozens of hours off the Legendary Katana hunt. One day the heart of cards shall bless you too!

Why the Kraken Katana Rules the Meta

The herculean effort pays off once you finally hold the jet black Kraken Katana in your hands. As a Sword Style compatible weapon, it can unleash devastating techniques to crush bosses and PVP opponents alike.

Let‘s examine why it‘s considered S-Tier among veteran players:

  • Extreme 110 base damage – highest of all obtainable Katanas
  • Massive 15 block break to shred defenses
  • Long reach for safe spacing while trading blows
  • Stylish aesthetic striking fear and envy

When combined with Sword Style skills, the damage reaches staggering heights. Landing a properly boosted 475 Barrage easily deals over 9000 damage rapidly depleting health bars.

Simply put, the power, range and spectacle of the Kraken Katana make it a popular centerpiece build for top players on every main leaderboard. It possesses the perfect ratio of offense and flourishes.

Embarking on the journey to claim this Legendary sword will test your mettle like no other GPO endeavor. After countless Kraken kills, close calls, and heartbreak, finally equipping that iconic jet blade makes it all worthwhile. I wish you fair winds and clear skies on your quest, brave gamer! Never surrender, the Katana awaits!

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