How to Get the Lengthy Trait in FIFA 23 Pro Clubs

The most effective way to create a player with the Lengthy trait in FIFA 23 Pro Clubs is to maximize your Strength attribute while keeping Agility low.

What is the FIFA 23 Lengthy Trait?

New to FIFA 23, EA SPORTS introduced player Acceleration Types – Explosive, Controlled, and Lengthy. This categorizes players based on their acceleration style and sprint speed.

Lengthy players are slower to reach top speed, but can maintain it very well once there. They tend to be taller players with high Strength but lower Agility.

In testing, Lengthy strikers like Haaland and Kane have proven extremely overpowered, blowing past defenders thanks to their lengthy strides. Their Strength also makes them nearly impossible to push off the ball!

Lengthy vs Other Acceleration Types

TypeAccelerationTop Speed
LengthySlowVery Fast
ExplosiveVery FastFast

It‘s clear Lengthy has a huge advantage once they reach top pace.

How to Get Lengthy in FIFA 23 Pro Clubs

To become a Lengthy player in Pro Clubs, you must meet these attribute requirements:

  • Strength – 65+
  • Strength minus Agility – 14+
  • Acceleration – 55+
  • Height – 5‘9" (174 cm) or taller

As you can see, the key is having Strength significantly higher than Agility.

My recommendation is to load up on Strength when first creating your Pro. Here are well-balanced builds:

Lengthy Pro Clubs Striker Builds

25 Skill Points

  • Strength – 25
  • Shooting – 1

50 Skill Points

  • Strength – 49
  • Shooting – 20
  • Attacking Positioning – 10
  • Agility – 1

100 Skill Points

  • Strength – 95
  • Shooting – 80
  • Attacking Positioning – 20
  • Agility – 5

With builds focused heavily on Strength like these, you will unlock the Lengthy trait and overpower opponents with your huge stride length at top speed.

Lengthy Players are Still OP in FIFA 23

Despite early claims that Lengthy was nerfed in a recent patch, testing shows players like Haaland and Kane still dominate matches in FUT Champs thanks to their lengthy acceleration maintaining speed over long distances.

Popular FIFA YouTuber @NepentheZ tweeted after the patch “Lengthy is still very clearly the top option. The only thing that‘s changed is lengthy CBs aren‘t as viable.” Other pros like @HarryHesketh echo it’s still the key meta this year.

So focus Strength, gain Lengthy, and sprint past defenders who can’t keep up! Just don’t expect to have much agility on the ball. Smaller explosive players may give you some trouble…

But from my experience scoring for fun with 6’4” Lengthy strikers in Pro Clubs, I can confidently say maximizing Strength is still the key to creating an OP player this year.

Have fun dominating Pro Clubs with your new Lengthy player! Let me know on Twitter @MyGameHandle if you have any other FIFA questions.

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