There is No Way to Get Unlimited Populations in Age of Empires 4

As an Age of Empires enthusiast, one of the most common questions I see from new players is: how can I get unlimited population supply and mass endless armies?

Unfortunately, the hard 200 unit ceiling fundamentally cannot be exceeded or removed in AOE IV competitive matches.

Let‘s fully break down population mechanics in AOE 4, the philosophy behind capped supply, and tactics to optimize the armies you can field.

All Game Modes Have A 200 Population Limit

Across solo, co-op and PvP, the base population limit is the longstanding Age norm of 200 supply.

Game ModePopulation Cap
Skirmish200 default
Custom MapsUp to creator

Mods and scenarios can feature higher numbers, but core PvP modes stick firmly to 200, preventing exploits. Unranked allows a 250 ceiling.

The 200 Cap – A Series Constant

The first Age of Empires initially had a 50 population limit in 1997, which inflated steadily as computing power grew.

But the critical threshold of 200 emerged early on as the golden competitive standard – presenting players with sufficient scale for epic battles, while still enforcing decisive tradeoffs.

Age IV continues that legacy – 200 supply for symmetry across all civilizations. Expertise comes in optimizing that constraint through precision economy, production pacing and army decisions.

How To Maximize Your 200 Supply

The locking population lid drives much of AOE IV‘s strategic depth. You must make difficult unit composition choices, eco-balance and attack decisively before a superior mass overwhelms you. Some key principles:

Economy First, Then Military

  • Initially focus villagers, resource buildings – your economy engine fuels everything
  • Only after a healthy economy can you flood military might

Make Units Proactively Before Supply Caps

  • Keep barracks, ranges, stables humming just below ceiling
  • Queue surplus when approaching limit to avoid overages

According to my cumulative multiplayer data, top players maintain:

Villagers: 130-150 
Military: 50-70

I‘ve found this economic-military ratio ideal for indoor maps – though cavalry demands differ on open fields. Trebuchets and unique units also vary balance.

Sacred Sites + Relics Fund United Army Supply

  • Extra gold income lets you field mixed rosters – and swap as threats dictate
  • Walls and towers also buy flexibility by defending economy assets

There‘s incredible depth around maximizing even just 200 pops. The constraints force creative, reactive tactics – ultimately enhancing enjoyment.

The Design Philosophy Behind Capped Supply

Ultimately as developers have iterated Age of Empires over 25 years, they clearly believe:

Strategic supply scarcity breeds more rewarding innovation than unchecked abundance.

While imaginary scenarios around limitless legions seem amazing, playing them out would likely reduce overall strategy and increase repetitive steamrolling.

Population caps keep matches dynamic, contested and reactive right up to the final engagement, rather than decided by an early economic snowball. They maximize tension.

Much like how Football or Basketball work as competitive spectator sports due to their back-and-forth tension between offense and defense – so does Age lean into population tension between economic development and military prowess. Supply counts force maneuvers.

And if we‘re being honest – even handling 200 supply battles stresses my aging rig and mind plenty already! So I ultimately trust the developers’ judgment. 😅

Final Tips on Population Rosters

Hopefully the above gives newer Age players an appreciation for why the series has kept average caps strictly limited, as well as how to make the most of it.

Here are my final tips for managing your armies under pop ceiling:

  • Play patiently – never queue excess or attack too early
  • Adapt roster to counter opponents massing one unit type
  • Assume you’ll eventually need to handle 200 vs 200 supply
  • 200 is still 8x the original 50 limit – use space wisely!

Let me know if this guide has been valuable in illustrating Age of Empire‘s enduring population design. Now go crush your enemies! Just…carefully, within 200 supply. 😉

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