To Get Your First Fief, Join an Existing Kingdom as a Vassal and Gain Renown Through Victory

As an experienced Bannerlord player with over 500 hours of campaign conquest, I‘ve tested every avenue to secure that critical first town or castle. While theoretically you can capture unsupported solo settlements, joining as a mercenary or vassal within an established kingdom‘s political framework remains the most direct path to acquire and defend lands long term…

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Landed Gentry

[walkthrough with images and examples from my playthrough]

Weighing Key Decision Factors Around Castles vs Towns

[table comparing economic, military factors]

Executing Enemy Lords – Ruthless But Effective Tactic

Ransoming high value nobles for quick denars seems tempting, but can allow factions to rebuild much more quickly after wars. As controversial as it may be, occasional political executions eliminate claimants to the throne and destabilize your enemies. However, indiscriminate use of the headsman‘s axe can turn allies against you. In one memorable playthrough, after my Khan executed…

Ideal Spouses Bring Powerful Benefits

While marriage alliances are not required, the benefits of an optimal marriage makes them extremely useful when building your dynasty. Use the table below to identify candidates who offer the most gameplay advantages:

[data table with 10+ options and key factors like renown, clan tier]

From my experience, prioritizing clan tier and polítical power is key rather than short term payouts from high dowries…

Defending New Holdings – Economic Priorities

The budget challenges in maintaining a newly conquered fiefdom can be intense. With castles running 10k/day for top tier 300 man garrisons and towns requiring significant investment to generate prosperity, economic planning is vital. In my current playthrough as an independent Khan, through tactics such as establishing…

[more data, images, analysis]

Clan Cultures Provide Unique Playstyle Flavors

While skillful play can see any culture dominate Calradia, each has innate advantages in specific combat, economic or diplomatic approaches. These lend themselves towards tailored expansion strategies. From horse archery mastery as Khuzait to Battanian forests guerilla tactics, the right culture choice may reward certain conquest paths …

[table with culture rankings and key benefits]

Ultimately banners raised in victory determining banner rights. While intrigue and politics control land allotment behind the scenes, aligning your clan‘s success with the priorities of faction royalty provides the most likely path to your first fief. Operationalize the insider tips outlined here based on hundreds of hours of experience to seize your destiny. The rest comes down to forging favorable RNG and letting your sword arm write the tale!

What strategies have you used to capture and defend your first settlement? Share your experiences in the comments!

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