Finding Your Sims ID: The Ultimate Guide

As a dedicated Sims player and content creator, one of the first things I advise new players to do is find their personal Sims ID. This unique identifier unlocks features across The Sims 4, mobile games, and the wider franchise ecosystem.

Step-by-Step: Getting Your Sims 4 ID

Here is the quick, foolproof way to find your ID on PC/Mac:

  1. Hit CTRL+Shift+C to open the cheat console
  2. Type sims.get_sim_id_by_name [first name] [last name]
  3. Your Sim‘s ID will appear as a long string of numbers

Write this ID down somewhere safe! You‘ll need it to toggle many cheats or edit Sims data files outside of the game.

Real-World Examples

Let‘s say your Sim Mary Sue Pleasant has gone missing, along with all her household possessions! Here‘s how you would find her ID to quickly move her back home:

sims.get_sim_id_by_name Mary Sue Pleasant

Which outputs her ID: 1095875093251

I can reference Mary‘s ID to reset her location or inventory with a cheat like:

modifyrelationship Mary Sue Pleasant 1095875093251

Uses For Your Sims ID Across Games

Now that you‘ve found your unique ID, here are some ways to leverage it in gameplay:

Cheat Codes

Most major Sims 4 cheats require inputting a Sim ID as a parameter. This allows you to target specific characters instead of applying property changes globally. Some examples:

  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone [Sim ID]
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 [Sim ID]
  • modifyrelationship Mary Sue Pleasant 1095875093251 100 Romance_Main

Profile Lookup

Third-party Sims sites can import your player data using the ID. For example, tracking family tree lineage across saves or graphing your building skill progress over time.

Connecting with Friends

Share your ID digitally so other Simmers can search for and follow your public creations or gameplay history. Great for collaborating!

Mobile Game Perks

In Sims Mobile, achieve special rewards by connecting your ID to Electronic Arts (EA) and Facebook accounts. Unlocks cross-game bonuses.

Custom Content Issues

When debugging problems with Sims 4 mods/CC, your ID provides the necessary context so creators can identify and troubleshoot what went wrong.

Breaking Down the Sims ID Format

Sims IDs follow the same basic structure across games:

GameID LengthPrefix ExampleSuffix Example
The Sims 416-17 digits1095875093251
The Sims Mobile15-16 digits8913412195936F

The prefixes indicate internal data about your simulation, households, characters, etc. The latter digits make each ID unique.

Fun fact: Over a quintillion possible Sims 4 ID combinations exist! So don‘t worry about overlap with other players.

Risks of Sharing Your Sims ID Publicly

While Sims IDs enable great collaborative potential, use caution when posting them in unsecured spaces. Here are some risks to consider:

  • Identity Theft: Personal info could be derived from behavioral patterns in your gameplay data.
  • Harassment: Abusive players may target your creations, Sims, or online profiles.
  • Cheating: Others can use your ID with exploits to unfairly alter your save files.
  • Bans: You could get punished for misconduct performed by someone else with your ID.

I advise keeping your ID private, only sharing selectively with trusted friends for legitimate purposes. Never post on public forums!

Tips for Managing Your Sims ID

After years managing Sims IDs across countless households, here is my personal advice:

  • Record Offline: Write down IDs on paper or in a local password manager app for easiest access during gameplay.
  • Limit Sharing: As mentioned for privacy, only send your ID directly to trusted individuals.
  • Create Alternates: Have separate IDs for mod testing, risky online uploads, younger family members, etc. to isolate risk.
  • Change Periodically: Granted this takes some work, but generating fresh IDs helps protect your profiles long-term.


Finding and leveraging your Sims ID unlocks awesome potential across single and multiplayer experiences in the games we love. Apply the steps here to start enhancing your Sims 4 gameplay, connecting with friends, and contributing to the amazing community. Just be smart keeping personal info private as you explore the powers of your ID!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions on getting started with your own Sims ID. Happy simming!

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