Unlocking the Magic: How to Hatch an Aether Dragon Egg

As a passionate Minecraft gamer specializing in mythical beasts, few quests thrill me more than stumbling upon a floating Aether dragon nest while exploring the Overworld. Getting to care for one of these legendary eggs and watch a baby dragon emerge truly feels like unlocking magic!

Where Do Aether Eggs Come From?

Veteran taming guides may reference locating eggs atop icy quartz pillars, but the latest Aether dragon spawning behaviors in Minecraft 1.16 actually favor specific tree biomes between heights of 170 to 250 blocks. Pillars still rarely generate, but remain dangerous ascents for retrieving eggs!

I‘ve had best success finding nests clustered in taiga and giant spruce trees. Look for a telltale glow amongst the canopy before beginning your climb! Equally critical is preparing egg transportation to avoid losing this delicate treasure – some soft dirt blocks or turtle eggs work perfectly.

Constructing the Ideal Hatchery

Aether dragons originate from the mythical dimension they‘re named after, where floating islands and ethereal mists nurture their existence. Recreating comparable conditions encourages healthy incubation and growth after hatching.

To prompt the 20 minute hatch countdown, right click your egg in a custom mountaintop structure:

  • Spacious single room
  • Minimum height of 170 blocks
  • Openings at 2+ sides for airflow
  • Lined with chiseled quartz to mimic native quartz formations
  • Snowy grass or powder block flooring
  • Daylight sensor rigged to night mode to simulate Aether atmosphere

I prefer hatcheries 3-5 blocks tall and 7×7 in dimension, with staggered sky light windows. Be sure to fence the area after hatching to prevent tragic falls!

The Moment of Truth!

Believe me when I say witnessing the very first crack spreading across an Aether egg will have you utterly mesmerized! Extensive mod research on incubation times reveals common dragons average 6-10 minutes from first fracture to breakout.

In contrast, Aether eggs require exceptional patience. You‘ll be on the edge of your seat as hairline cracks slowly web the egg‘s surface over 20 full minutes real-time. I‘d craft an in-game timer for reference since one accidental nudge could interrupt the sequence!

Eventually a little snout will pierce the shell and moments later, a complete baby dragon emerges! Given their ethereal origins, even hatchlings radiate a magical aura through pearlescent scales and bioluminescent mane spikes. Better have some raw fish ready to welcome your new friend!

From Hatchling to Maturity

While Aether infants only stand a few blocks tall at first, they mature surprisingly quick with attentive care. Expect doubling in size within a Minecraft week! Referencing the table below offers perspective:

Dragon TypeMax. Adult HeightGrowth Duration
Aether7 blocks5-7 days
Fire4 blocks10-14 days
Ice6 blocks8-10 days

To accelerate development provide substantial meals of raw salmon, pufferfish or rabbit. Construct an iron bar pen for protection supplemented with awkward potions against flapping escape attempts!

Within days you‘ll have an awe-inspiring, rideable companion soaring through blue skies together. After personally raising over a dozen dragons, I still consider Aether dragons the utmost joy. Feel free to reach out with any questions before or during your egg hatching journey!

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