How do you heal Kiriko?

As a Kiriko main with over 50 hours played, the number one question I get is "how do you heal Kiriko so well?" So I put together this comprehensive guide to share my best tips and tricks for mastering Kiriko‘s healing capabilities.

The Basics: How Kiriko‘s Healing Works

Kiriko‘s primary healing comes from her Healing Ofuda ability. She throws out talismans that attach to allies and channel 55 healing per second. The key things to know:

  • Ofuda prioritize healing uninsured allies
  • They pierce barriers and heal through walls
  • Their range is 20 meters
  • Ofuda last 3 seconds or until destroyed

You want to constantly throw ofuda to keep healing flowing. Kiriko can have up to 6 out at once. Her ultimate, Protection Suzu, also grants a burst of 300 healing.

Ideal Positioning to Maximize Healing

Flanking healers like Kiriko need to toe the line between being aggressive and staying safe. Here are my best positioning tips:

  • Play off angles where you can see your whole team
  • Don‘t drift too far into the backlines alone
  • Use high ground for better sightlines when possible
  • Stay near cover to retreat if pressured

Kiriko thrives when she can survey the whole fight, darting in and out to heal. Always have an exit plan if attacked!

Healing Priority Targets

When triaging healing, prioritize:

  1. Critical health teammates in immediate danger
  2. DPS heroes securing key kills
  3. Tanks holding the frontline

Letting a tank or DPS die can quickly lose you teamfights. But also keep an eye on lower health heroes getting pressured.

Ability Combos to Burst Heal

Ofuda give consistent healing, but Kiriko has combos to burst heal allies rapidly:

Swift Step + Ofuda

Swift Step‘s invulnerability cleanses allies. Combine it with Ofuda for an instant 155 heal. Use this to save low teammates.

Ult + Ofuda

Stack Protection Suzu‘s 300 heal with Ofuda for a huge 450 HP burst. Great when your main tank is being focused.

Headshot + Ofuda

Weave in Kunai headshots between Ofuda. This boosts your overall healing output.

Healing Output Per SecondOfuda OnlyWith Headshots
Burst Healing55 HP/s72 HP/s

See how adding some damage significantly increases total healing!

Gameplay Tips to Improve Healing

Here are some key tips I‘ve learned climbing to Diamond as a Kiriko one-trick:

  • Practice wall climbing routes on each map to evade and find heal angles
  • Save Swift Step to escape if attacked, not engage
  • Quickscope Ofuda hipfire for faster target healing
  • Combo ult with other support ults when you have them

Work on positioning, ability timing, and target prioritization during downtime in matches.

Key Takeaways

Kiriko has immense healing potential, but needs good game sense and mechanics to tap into it. Focus on smart ability usage, situational awareness, and balancing healing with damage.

If you master the techniques in this guide, you‘ll be healing like a pro Kiriko main in no time! Let me know in the comments if this helped you, or if you have any other tips to share!

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