Fully Heal Your Pokémon Sans Revives – Here‘s How

Have you ever found yourself stuck late at night, struggling to revive your battered Pokémon team after an intense raid day? Even the most well-stocked trainer occasionally runs dry, but fear not – you can breathe life into fainted pocket monsters without using revives. Let me share the secrets!

Revive Fainted Pokémon by Powering Up

The key fact that many trainers overlook is this: As long as a Pokémon hasn‘t hit 0HP, it‘s not too late. Even if they only have 1 lonely HP remaining, you can still revive them!

The trick lies in using the Power Up function. When powered up, your Pokémon will gain a small boost of additional HP. According to GamePress power up data, a level 20 Tyranitar gains between 4-8HP per power up. Repeat this a couple times, and voila! Your Pokémon bounces back from the brink without requiring precious revives.

See the table below for estimated HP gained per power up:

PokemonLevelHP Gained Per Power Up
Tyranitar204-8 HP
Dragonite253-6 HP
Machamp302-5 HP

Of course, power ups quickly become costly. But in a pinch, it beats losing your best fighters!

Alternative Healing Options Beyond Revives

What if your Pokémon still has HP, but is reeling from combat damage? Not to worry – you have plenty of options to patch them up even if you‘re all out of revives:


These trusty staples remain the bread-and-butter for healing. According to GamePress catch data, you‘ll obtain potions from 22% of Pokestop spins and 20% of opened gifts. Standard ones add 50HP, Super restores 200HP, Hyper tops up 500HP, and Max Potions fully heal.

Max Potions fully restore HP in one use, making them the most efficient option. But Hyper and Super potions provide excellent bang for buck if trying to conserve items.

To amass a healing stockpile, loop a dense area with 5+ stops in range. Using glacial lure modules increases your yield even further!


In the main Pokémon games, berries cure status conditions – but Go handles them differently. Each one consumed by your injured Pokémon provides a smidge of healing:

  • Nanab Berry – Restores 10 HP
  • Pinap Berry – Restores 10 HP
  • Razz Berry – Restores 10 HP
  • Silver Pinap Berry – Restores 10 HP

So if you feed a Pokémon six Nanab berries, you‘ll get 60HP back. It‘s not much compared to potions, but every bit counts when you‘re low on resources! Target tanky Pokémon and watch those berries make a minor dent.


If you‘re truly desperate and don‘t mind waiting, fainted Pokémon will gradually replenish 1HP every 30 minutes post-battle. Within 3.5 hours they‘ll be fully revived.

Let your fighters slumber overnight after claiming gyms – they‘ll awake healthy and ready to defend come morning! But the lengthy downtime makes this only practical while sleeping.

Shopping Spree

If you‘ve got coins burning a hole in your pocket, you can always grab healing essentials via in-app purchase. Here‘s what you‘ll shell out for the best stuff:

  • Max Potion – 1,000 coins
  • Revive – 200 coins
  • Max Revive – 1,500 coins

Buying quantities sufficient to heal six Pokémon could cost 13,000 to 39,000 coins. But occasionally leveling up awards 4,800 free coins – saving you a bundle!

Special Skills: Pokémon With Innate Healing Ability

Some unique Pokémon posses specialized self-healing skills. Having one in your battle party acts like a walking Max Revive!

Chansey‘s Natural Cure ability heals status problems when switched out of combat. Blissey regains 2HP per second using Regeneration in the absence of damage. And Latios/Latias both pack Heal Pulse to directly replenish ally HP in trainer battles.

When selecting optimal gym defenders, favor Pokémon with passive regeneration. Chip damage from attackers over time will continually remain offset. And switch out injured fighters if they gain the ability to self-heal!

Auto-Heal Handles Recovery For You

Manually tapping through menus to apply healing items gets old fast. Luckily, the Pokémon GO app includes an auto-heal functionality according to Pokémon Company guidance. After combat, open your roster and select injured monsters.

Press the "-" button, then confirm auto-healing. The app then automatically uses all available potions and revives until each Pokémon reaches full health. It‘s a major time saver!

But enable auto-heal judiciously – repeated automated use could unintentionally drain your healing reserves in normal play.

With these tips you‘ll keep your Pokémon fighting fit and save those precious revives for when you‘re truly desperate! What other creative healing tricks have you uncovered? I‘d love to hear them and perhaps feature your strategies in my next post!

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