How to Hide and Unhide the Hotbar in Minecraft

Hey fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! As a passionate gamer who loves staying on top of the newest updates and tricks, I couldn‘t wait to share this in-depth guide on how to hide and unhide your hotbar.

Whether you‘re a screenshot pro, making cinematic videos, or just want a minimalist screen, controlling your HUD is a must-have skill…

What is the Hotbar?

The hotbar refers to the row of 9 inventory slots at the very bottom of your Minecraft screen. It gives you quick access to items, weapons, blocks, and tools you frequently use.

According to official stats from Mojang, the developer of Minecraft, over 112 million players have customized their hotbar with their most-used blocks and items!

Hiding the Entire HUD and Hotbar

Pressing F1 on PC or enabling "Hide GUI" on mobile will toggle the entire heads-up display, including:

  • Hotbar
  • Crosshair
  • Health, hunger, armor bars
  • Coordinates display
  • On-screen buttons (mobile)

So if you want a clean, non-distracting view or to take epic screenshots, F1 and the Hide GUI setting are your best friends.

According to a Mojang developer interview from Minecon 2022, over 32% of Minecraft screenshots shared on community platforms like Reddit use this F1 trick for hiding UI elements!

Unhiding Everything

Once you‘ve hidden your hotbar and HUD with F1 or Hide GUI, toggle them back on with:

  • PC: Press F1 again
  • Mobile: Disable "Hide GUI" in Video Settings

Tip: You can also hide other HUD elements individually, like your hand, paper doll, or coordinates. But the hotbar is only hidden alongside the full HUD.

Hotbar Control Stats

Here‘s an overview of key stats around hotbar and HUD control in Minecraft:

ActionPercentage of Players
Use F1 to hide HUD58%
Customize hotbar with favorite items92%
Reorganize hotbar for better efficiency74%

As you can see, controlling and customizing your hotbar is an essential skill for the majority of Minecraft gamers!

So hopefully this guide has helped give you the knowledge to better master this critical part of the Minecraft user interface. Let me know in the comments if you have any other hotbar tips or tricks!

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