How do you lower villager prices after killing them?

As an avid Minecraft gamer, I know first-hand how frustrating it is to accidentally attack and kill a villager, sending prices through the roof for that village. But don‘t worry – you can recover from this mistake! In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider techniques to quickly and easily reduce prices again.

Why Killing Villagers Raises Prices

When you attack or kill a villager, it spreads major negative gossip to all villagers in the vicinity. They basically put you on a blacklist for endangering one of their own! This gossip multiplies regular item prices by a factor of 12.

For example, if wheat usually trades for 2 emeralds, it may jump to a whopping 24 emeralds after violence against villagers. A steep price to pay for a momentary lapse in judgment!

Method #1: Complete Raids

Hands-down, the fastest way to slash prices is by being a hero and successfully defeating a raid.

Effect: Hero of the Village
Duration: 2 in-game days
Discount Rate: Up to 75%!

By battling waves of illagers and keeping village casualties at zero, you‘ll gain the trust and admiration of villagers. Hero of the Village can be stacked up to 5 times for even steeper discounts.

But this strategy has some downsides:

  • Raids can be very difficult for new players
  • Discounts only last 48 minutes real-time
  • Prices spike back up after the effect wears off

However, it‘s still an excellent shortcut if you have the combat chops to emerge victorious from a raid. Time it right when you have major trades lined up!

Method #2: Cure Zombie Villagers

Curiously enough, when you cure a zombie villager by tossing a splash potion of weakness and feeding them a golden apple, they retain their profession and trades!

Effect: Major positive gossip
Duration: Permanent!
Discount Rate: Up to 75%

The now-grateful villager will hook you up with big price slashes for life. And you can repeat this process up to 5 times on each villager, incrementally driving prices down further to the minimum of 1 emerald.

CuresMax Discount

With a couple cured zombie villagers, you‘ll have heavily discounted trades for infinite emeralds! However, this exploit may be disabled on some multiplayer servers.

Method #3: Wait for Price Fluctuations

If you don‘t want to battle hordes of illagers or scour for zombie villagers, the natural ebb and flow of supply and demand will also gradually lower prices over time.

After attacking villagers, avoid trading for a couple minecraft days. Meanwhile, villagers will resupply their trades and realize they priced you out. Slowly but surely, they‘ll lower their demanded emerald quantity back down to standard rates.

Effect: Supply and demand
Duration: 2-5 in-game days
Discount Rate: Up to 100% restoration

While this "hands-off" approach takes patience and discipline, it‘s a reliable way to passively regain your trading privileges.

Expert Villager Trading Tips

Through extensive testing across many Minecraft versions, I‘ve picked up some pro tips for maximizing profits and minimizing spending when bartering with villagers:

  • Cure multiple zombie villagers for stacking discounts
  • Farm emerald-generating crops like pumpkin, melon, carrot
  • Build villages near crop farms or animal pens
  • Only trade a couple times per villager per day
  • Limit trades to 2-3 per type; don‘t buy out stock
  • Plan big trades immediately after completing raids


I hope these insider tricks for lowering and preventing price hikes have saved your village trading system! With clever utilization of raid perks, zombie curing, and supply mechanics, you‘ll have all the emeralds needed to gear up and show illagers who‘s boss!

Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always seeking the most cutting-edge villager exploit intel to share with fellow players. Game on!

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