How to Make Your Facebook Profile Completely Private in 2024: An Expert‘s Step-by-Step Guide

Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have revolutionized how we build connections. But poor privacy controls expose users‘ personal information to unintended audiences daily.

With 2.91 billion monthly active users, Facebook drives an extraordinarily data-rich ecosystem. Yet research shows 68% of Americans express concern over Facebook‘s outsized influence and data policies.

As a cybersecurity expert and tech journalist, I analyze staggering amounts of Facebook privacy gaffes weekly. But I also recognize Facebook offers users unmatched global community when configured responsibly.

This 2600+ word guide shares my insider techniques to boost Facebook privacy dramatically without losing touch. I‘ll explore Facebook‘s default settings, the risks they pose, and how to restrict all access to your profile and content moving forward.

Let‘s dive in to lockdown your Facebook presence across 10 key areas:

Facebook‘s Default Privacy Settings Expose Your Data

Most users blindly accept Facebook‘s out-of-the-box configurations optimized for "engagement" rather than privacy.

Without realization, personal information flows freely to strangers by default:

Default Privacy SettingVisibilityRisks
PostsPublicEmbarrassing commentary exposed globally
Photos + VideosPublicIdentifying imagery leaked widely
Friend ListPublicStalkers find additional targets
SearchabilityPublic via name/email/numberDoxing, fraud via personal details
Timeline TagsPublicLoss of control over your profile
Life EventsPublicSurveillance of your activities

But adjusting these settings prevents needless oversharing.

My recommendations below restrict all access from the public or casual acquaintances by default. You can then selectively grant access where appropriate.

Step 1: Adjust Profile Privacy Settings

Start by limiting access to your Facebook profile information. This includes details like your bio, work history, education, location, relationship status and more.

Here‘s how:

  1. Click the arrow on the top right and select Settings & Privacy
  2. Choose Settings and go to the left column
  3. Click on Privacy
  4. Under the "Who can see your future posts" section, click Edit
  5. Select Only me to make all future posts private
  6. To limit old posts, click Limit Past Posts then Limit Old Posts

These adjustments make your profile viewable only to you moving forward. You can still decide to share future posts with custom groups or friends if desired.

Facebook Profile Privacy Settings

Now let‘s lock down your previous posts.

Step 2: Limit Visibility of Past Posts

By default, all your old Facebook posts and content remain public even after adjusting privacy configurations for new posts.

To make past posts private:

  1. Go back to Privacy Settings
  2. Under "Your activity," click Limit Past Posts
  3. A box pops up – click Limit Old Posts
  4. Confirm by selecting Limit Old Posts again

This hides most of your previous posts from public view. However, friends tagged in your posts or who have interacted with the content may still see it.

To check, click "View As" on a post and select "Public" to see what general users can view. Remove tags as needed to further limit access.

Step 3: Review Privacy of Photos

Photos tend to contain more sensitive personal information than regular text updates. Don‘t forget to update the privacy settings here too.

To edit photo privacy:

  1. Click the arrow and choose Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Select Privacy from the left menu
  3. Scroll down and click Edit beside "Who can see your photos and videos?"
  4. Choose your desired audience like Friends, Only me or a custom list
  5. For previously uploaded public photos you now want to make private, click "Limit Past Uploads" then "Limit Old Uploads"

These steps prevent random Facebook users from accessing your photographic content. Custom friend lists give you granular control over exactly who can view pictures.

Facebook Photo Privacy Settings Example

Step 4: Restrict Your Visible Friend List

Facebook automatically makes your friend list public by default. This allows anyone to browse who you connect with on the platform.

To make your friend list private:

  1. Click your profile picture and select Friends from the dropdown menu
  2. Beside "Friends", click the pencil icon
  3. Choose Edit Privacy
  4. Select Only me to make your friend list fully private

Now people you aren‘t friends with can no longer access your contacts.

Step 5: Limit Your Searchability

Even if you have a private profile, people can still find you using basic personal details like your name, email address or phone number.

But Facebook allows controlling who can locate your profile with this information. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the arrow and select Settings & Privacy
  2. Choose Settings > Privacy
  3. Scroll down to the "How People Find and Contact You" section
  4. Beside "Who can look you up using the email address you provided?", click Edit
  5. Select your desired visibility like Friends or Only me
  6. Repeat to configure settings for your phone number

This stops strangers from identifying your profile via your email or phone number.

Facebook Searchability Settings Example

Step 6: Limit Friend Requests

You can also control who can send you friend requests. By default, anyone on Facebook can try to friend you.

To limit friend requests:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from the previous section
  2. Under the "How People Find and Contact You" section, find the option for "Who can send you friend requests?"
  3. Click Edit and switch to Friends of Friends or Only me

Now only people connected to your friends or no one can send you requests. This prevents interactions from strangers.

Step 7: Manage Tags and Timeline Posts

Friends can tag you in their public posts – leaving notifications on your timeline even if your own profile is private.

But you can configure tag review and remove permissions like so:

  1. Go back to Settings > Privacy
  2. Under "Tags", click Edit next to "Who can see posts you‘re tagged in on your profile?"
  3. Select desired audience like Only me
  4. Scroll down further to Timeline and Tagging and click Edit next to "Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?"
  5. Enable by toggling the switch

Now you can approve tags first before publication to your timeline. You can also fully block timeline tag appearances.

Similarly, customize exactly who sees regular timeline posts:

  1. From Privacy Settings, click Edit beside "Who can see your future posts?"
  2. Choose your selected audience

Facebook Tagging & Timeline Settings Example

Step 8: Control Audience for Life Events

Facebook auto-generates activity notifications called "Life Events" when you change employment, relationship status or move location.

Customize the audience for these updates:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy
  2. Scroll down and click Edit next to "Who can see your life events?"
  3. Select visibility preferences like Only me

Without adjustments, life events get shared publicly as your profile changes.

Step 9: Block Users When Needed

You can outright block someone from interacting with your profile or seeing content. Just:

  1. Navigate to their profile
  2. Click the 3 dots icon in the top right
  3. Choose Block from the menu

Once blocked, they won‘t even receive notifications. Use this last resort option for harassment or spam.

Step 10: Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Finally, enable an extra layer of login security through two-step verification.

With this enabled, Facebook requires both your password and a special secured code to access your account.

To enable:

  1. Click the arrow, choose Settings & Privacy
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click Security and Login from the left menu
  4. Beside "Use two-factor authentication" hit Edit
  5. Toggle on and hit Continue

Then just confirm with your phone number to finish activating two-factor authentication.

Facebook Two-Factor Authentication Settings

How Private Profiles Compare Visually

To see how these privacy adjustments transform your viewable profile, examine the before and after screenshots below:

Public ProfilePrivate Profile
Public Facebook Profile ExamplePrivate Facebook Profile Example

As shown, a public profile shares posts, friends, photos, life events and more widely by default. Alternatively, a private account reveals no content whatsoever without explicit authorization.

Deactivating vs Deleting Facebook Accounts

If you remain concerned about data privacy, some opt to delete or deactivate Facebook profiles entirely. But alternatives exist between total removal and public exposure.

Deactivating your account removes visibility while preserving data should you later log back in. Content remains but gets hidden from public access.

Meanwhile, deleting your account initiates permanent erasure of all saved information after an initial 14-day grace period.

I typically recommend sustained deactivation over full deletion. This allows you to easily reactivate temporarily to access old messages or photos if needed, then return to deactivated mode for ongoing privacy.

Bonus Privacy & Security Tips

Beyond core privacy configurations, keep these security dos and don‘ts in mind:


✅ Use unique strong passwords with symbols, numbers and capital letters

✅ Enable automatic security alerts about unrecognized logins

✅ Review which third party apps connect to your Facebook account

✅ Use Facebook Protect to enable extra account security

✅ Think carefully before posting personal content about identity, location or affiliations

✅ Regularly check app permissions and privacy configurations


🚫 Click on random links or attachments in messages that seem suspicious

🚫 Use your Facebook password anywhere else online

🚫 Accept friend requests from people you don‘t know well

🚫 Access Facebook from public Wi-Fi networks

🚫 Allow Facebook trackers and cookies on external websites

Key Takeaways

Adjusting privacy is crucial on Facebook to control access to your personal information and posts. Follow these 10 steps to lock down your profile:

  1. Limit profile visibility
  2. Restrict access to past posts
  3. Update photo privacy
  4. Hide your friends list
  5. Disable searchability
  6. Control friend requests
  7. Manage tagging and timeline
  8. Customize audience for life events
  9. Block unwanted interactions
  10. Enable two-factor authentication

Additionally, exercise caution when posting personal content, using public networks, and interacting with questionable accounts.

Consistently monitoring and updating your settings ensures optimal Facebook privacy in 2024 and beyond.

I hope this insider‘s 2600+ word guide gives you absolute clarity on how to keep your Facebook presence completely private moving forward. Please drop any final questions below!

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