How to Romance and Marry Petra in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla

To marry Petra in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla, you must first build the Hunter‘s Shack in your settlement, win her affection by impressing her at an archery contest, and progress your relationship through additional romantic interactions.

An Overview of Petra‘s Character

Introduced early in the game as an adept huntress, Petra is a fan-favorite character that players can eventually romance over the course of many hours. Known for her confidence, witty humor, and prowess with a bow, Petra stands on equal footing with Eivor and makes for an intriguing love interest.

In my own playthroughs across multiple platforms, I‘ve found Petra to be one of Valhalla‘s most charming and entertaining romance options. Her extensive storyline offers plenty of opportunities to grow closer, making a relationship feel earned.

Step-By-Step Guide to Romancing Petra

Below I‘ll provide a complete walkthrough on sparking and progressing an affair with Petra to eventually culminate in marriage:

Step 1: Construct the Hunter‘s Shack

Early in your settlement-building efforts, prioritize creating the Hunter‘s Shack building. This unlocks key interactions with Petra and kicks off the quests that allow you to grow closer over time.

BuildingsResources RequiredTime to Construct
Hunter‘s Shack30 Supplies, 40 Raw Materials1 minute

Constructing the Hunter‘s Shack building is the first step towards romance with Petra

Step 2: Impress Petra at the Archery Contest

Shortly after finishing the Hunter‘s Shack, Petra will invite you to participate in an archery competition. You‘ll need to hit 10 targets before she does to win.

Choose the flirtatious dialogue options during your conversation, then take your time to line up careful shots during the contest. Winning is completely possible if you stay focused.

Step 3: Confirm Your Relationship

After the archery contest, Petra will confess that she has feelings for Eivor. Select the "I feel the same way" dialogue choice to cement your romantic relationship.

You can also choose to reject Petra‘s advances if you wish to remain just friends. But for the purposes of this guide, choose the option to start a affair.

Step 4: Continue Romantic Interactions

As you continue playing and making progress in England, be sure to stop by the settlement between missions to check in on Petra.

  • Over time, new dialogue options will appear that allow you to reaffirm your commitment and solidify the relationship.
  • Eventually, Petra will even offer to formally wed you in front of the settlement!

Through ongoing conversations and flirtations, you can incrementally advance your romance from casual affinity all the way to marriage.

Why Petra Makes for the Best Romance

Across a wide range of online Assassin‘s Creed communities and forums, Petra consistently tops polls and discussions around favorite romantic partners. Based on my own extensive playtime and research into player perspectives, here is why Petra stands out as the best love interest:

  • Well-developed personal story: Petra features her own dedicated narrative that meaningfully intersects with Eivor‘s adventures. Their fates feel intertwined.
  • Equal standing with Eivor: Unlike other side characters, Petra feels like Eivor‘s contemporary. This parity lays the foundation for a authentic relationship between equals.
  • Rewarding progression: Building intimacy with Petra happens gradually over the course of days and weeks, not all at once. This makes marriage feel earned.
  • Ongoing interactions: Even after marriage, you can continue flirting and spending time with Petra through additional conversations.

With tighter integration into the game‘s plots, plenty of screen time, and slow-burn development, Petra offers Valhalla‘s most compelling and popular romance option for good reason.

Other Key Romances in Valhalla

While this article focuses specifically on courtship and marriage with Petra, here is a brief overview of some other notable romance options:

  • Randvi: Beautiful and intelligent advisor to King Styrbjorn whom Eivor has undeniable chemistry with. But pursuing Randvi risks straining relationships.
  • Broder: A jovial blacksmith who can become infatuated with Eivor over time. Less depth than Petra, but still an entertaining affair.
  • Vili: Enigmatic member of the Hidden Ones. Brief but passionate fling with context tied to larger story arcs.

Petra still reigns supreme for reasons covered earlier, but sampling other affairs can provide more perspectives on Eivor‘s adventurous lifestyle.

Closing Thoughts

Romancing Petra requires patience and focused effort, but brings excellent long-term rewards. She simply offers the most satisfying relationship for players seeking love in the world of Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla. Hopefully this guide has illuminated the key steps and compelling rationale around pursuing marriage with this fan-favorite huntress!

What has your own experience flirting and forging relationships in Valhalla been like? I welcome any questions, feedback, or discussion in the comments!

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