How to Move into an Already Occupied House in The Sims 4: An Expert Guide

As an avid Sims gamer and content creator focused on the best tips, tricks and news in the world of The Sims, one of the most common questions I receive is: how can you move into a residential lot that already has another Sim family living there?

Whether you have your eye on an architecturally stunning mansion or a quaint little cottage with tons of charm, claiming an occupied house for your own Sims can quickly become an obsession. But is it possible without causing total digital mayhem?

Yes – with a bit of strategic gameplay, creative workarounds and secret cheats, you can infiltrate even the most populated of Sim neighborhoods to set up camp.

In this expert guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about commandeering an inhabited home, including:

  • Merging vs eviction options when migrating households
  • Using testingcheats to bypass traditional occupancy limits
  • Special considerations for claiming roommate situations
  • Furnishing tactics after a sudden move-in
  • Avoiding complete Sim chaos with multiple families
  • The #1 mistake that ruins shared households
  • Expert tips to seamlessly blend two families into one home

So read on to become a master at merging, cheating and forcing your way into already occupied houses in The Sims 4!

Overview: Your Options for Infiltrating an Occupied House

When you attempt to migrate your Sim household into a residential lot that already has residents, The Sims 4 provides two options:

1. Evict the Current Family

Choosing to evict the existing Sims will remove the household and all of its members from your saved game. Their possessions and home furnishings will remain in place.

  • Quick and simple option
  • The evicted family loses their home entirely
  • You might feel guilty kicking Sims to the curb!

2. Merge Both Families Into One Household

Opting to merge will combine your migrating family with the current occupants into a single, larger blended household.

  • Cooperative living situation with combined Sims
  • Can create chaos managing a mega-household
  • Relationships may grow…or become strained!

Those are the default choices when moving into an occupied residence, but expert Simmers know there is always a sneaky third option

Use Cheats to Bypass Traditional Limits

With a quick entry of testingcheats and freerealestate while in live mode, the traditional occupancy caps get thrown out the window. You can move right in without displacing anyone!

testingcheats true
freerealestate on 
  • Zero impact on existing household
  • Total freedom of movement between homes
  • Bypass occupancy caps on rooms
  • Disable needs decay if you want utter chaos!

The major downside is that objects, resources and space may become overly constrained with so many Sims under one roof. But with creative gameplay, you can make it work!

Now let‘s dive deeper into the specifics of each method.

Eviction: A Quick, Clean Takeover

If you‘re keen for a quick and ruthless home takeover, kicking out the existing occupants is certainly efficient. Within minutes, you can have full reign over the premises with no remnants of the former tenants.

Your migrating family will swarm the empty abode, claim beds and commandeer the kitchen with no hesitation. In truth, they are probably reveling in the newfound space and luxury amenities of such easy living!

Of course, decision to abruptly evict a household is not without moral consequences. Your Sims‘ relationships with the displaced family may suffer long-term damage.

And lest we forget, you are stripping Sims of their entire livelihood with a single click – forcing them to procedural generation in the ether. The kids are ripped from their school friends while elders lose their garden and life savings in one fell swoop!

So while eviction ensures a rapid reset of the household, the long-term karmic impacts should not be ignored. Some salient pros and cons of this approach:

Eviction Pros

  • Lightning fast turnover process – click to evict and immediately move your family without delay
  • Fully furnished home awaits – no need to purchase beds, appliances and decor
  • Claim community lots and rewards – enjoy any unlocked neighborhoods and bonuses

Eviction Cons

  • Damaged relationships – negative sentiment for your family from evicted Sims
  • Lost personal possessions – the evicted family‘s belongings all disappear
  • Karmic impacts – expect haunted appliances or cursed hot tubs!

Now let‘s explore the more harmonious merge route.

Merging: Blend Families for Cooperative Living

If a hostile takeover sounds a bit too aggressive, merging your migrating Sims with the current home occupants can create an eclectic blended household.

Unique hybrid families joined through the merge process include pairs like:

  • Elder sisters embarking on a golden years commune
  • Teen runaways taking refuge with a kindly neighbor
  • Childhood BFFs making their platonic partnership official
  • Strangers connected on a neighborhood message board app
  • Hip urbanites absorbing long-lost relatives from the country

Assuming adequate beds, the transition of merging two families generally goes smoothly. A bit of initial chaos typically gives way to camaraderie in close quarters. Meals become lively bonding events and romantic sparks might even flare between pre-merged strangers.

Still, sharing finite resources will always require compromise – from cramped bathrooms to conflicts over music choices. Synchronizing erratic sleep schedules alone can try the patience of mellow Sims.

And for younger players nurturing families through multiple life stages, a packed household may inhibit fertile couples who wish to grow. If current occupancy exceeds 6 members, getting busy under the sheets to produce offspring will be blocked. Only moving out or death of elderly Sims can open fertility opportunities.

So despite the rich storytelling potential, restraints of a shared environment must be considered. Some pros and cons to weigh:

Merge Pros

  • Thriving family dynamics – diverse relationships and mentorships flourish
  • Preserved possessions – existing Sims keep all household belongings
  • Potential chaos – lively environment with various events

Merge Cons

  • Crowded conditions – resources are strained with added Sims
  • Restricted fertility – couples may be blocked from Woohoo
  • Relationship rifts – petty spats can erupt over dishes or thermostat wars

Now that we‘ve covered traditional mechanics of moving into occupied houses, let‘s unleash the true power of counterfeit property laws!

Cheats: Override Occupancy Rules for Total Access

Veteran players yearning to defy household caps know that cheats are key for complete residential override. Activating freerealestate with testingcheats mode enables Smooth sailing when migrating families into inhabited lots.

Neither eviction nor merging is forced on residents. It‘s almost akin to ghosts walking through walls to freely phase between planes of existence!

testingcheats true // Check for message indicating cheat mode enabled 
freerealestate on // Entire neighborhood now costs $0 simoleons!

Beyond cost circumvention, cheat activation allows you to essentially turn ANY residential building into flexi-housing with infinite occupancy – from mammoth mansions and towering penthouses to quaint cottage flats and micro mid-century studios.

My own experiments merging 5 distinct families into a single 3-bedroom bungalow produced delightful absurdity! Privacy quickly erodes when 13 Sims share a sole bathroom. But odd bonding occurs while queued for the toilet.

Beds become communal crash pads for erratic nap shifts. And old college pals seem tolerant of toddlers streetsawing at midnight when all households synchronize on chaotic vampire hours.

While intense overcrowding can overwhelm even hardy gaming PCs, imaginative players will love the nonconformist freedom of bending Sim shelter rules.

When leveraging household cheats, know that you operate in an unstable reality. Weird artifacts like immortal pets, eternally spoiled food piles and inappropriate autonomous flirting are known to transpire. But that’s all part of the unpredictable fun!

Cheats Pros

  • Bypass occupancy limits – customize household size as desired
  • Retain former possessions – nothing is lost or replaced
  • Enable chaotic dynamics – blend lifestyles and routines

Cheats Cons

  • Performance lags – graphics and simulation strain under load
  • Weird visual glitches – flashing lights or freakish contortions
  • Erratic autonomous behaviors – social faux pas and general absurdity!

Now let’s tackle special scenarios like claiming room rentals and unusual building configurations.

Special Tactics for Roommates & Multi-Unit Housing

When evaluating move-in tactics, always survey your target property layout closely.

Unique floorplans that incorporate separate wings, adjoining duplexes or basement rentals will require tailored relocation strategies.

For example, I once engineered a clandestine roommate scheme to embed my Sim among 3 existing housemates by claiming the semi-finished basement. With just minor walled partitions to carve out my new underground lair, I could freely migrate while barely disrupting their upper floor lives. If you face static from the current lease holders, promise to improve their property values after secretly occupying the dead zones of their home!

In a similar approach, detached in-law suites or backyard guest cottages make exceptionally alluring infiltration opportunities. Your Sims can quietly take up residence in these secluded structures without causing a ripple of distress to homeowners just yards away. Maybe leave a polite welcome basket on their porch with a throwaway burner phone number should they need to make contact!

For room-to-room housing coups, target vacant bedrooms and convert to claimed territory on the sly. Sneak in under darkness, fake nonchalance when crossing paths with suspicious owners, and even offer to sublet if eventually confronted about your squatters’ rights.

Getting creative with unorthodox living spaces almost turns domicile domination into a thrilling espionage challenge!

Rapid Furnishing Strategies Post Move-In

Aside from sneaky relocation tactics, rapid home furnishing is paramount when assimilating into an unfamiliar environment.

Having a gameplan to quickly personalize your clandestine dwelling aids the illusion that you somehow BELONG in this new household.

Upon move-in, immediately scout for dead zones lacking personalization. Target bland walls, empty floors and sterile counters as canvases for decorative enhancement.

Option 1: Buy Basic Upgrades

If available funds allow, purchase budget-friendly adaptations like:

  • Vibrant textiles – woven throws, patterned cushions
  • Statement wall art – paintings, prints or tapestries
  • Aromatic interventions – candles, reed diffusers
  • Quirky accents – sculptures, book stacks
  • Natural greenery – potted succulents, flowering plants

Option 2: Craft Custom Decor

Limited on cash? Craft custom upgrades from foraged components:

  • Hand-painted wall murals
  • DIY patterns on salvaged wood
  • Found object sculpture kitsch
  • Upcycled furniture hacks
  • Wildflower posies gathered outdoors

Unleash creative panache within hours using in-game tools like sculpting clay, sewing machines, woodworking benches and easels. Establish your unique oasis amid the homogeneity!

Avoiding Total Chaos: Tips for Harmony

While crashing a occupied household can seem like a victimless hijacking, shared spaces will inevitably expose points of friction.

To promote harmonious cohabitation as a new resident, embrace these essential tips:

Learn routines and rhythms

Before forcing activity changes, observe usual schedules. Note morning commutes, bedtimes, workout blocks. Disrupting treasured rituals causes strife.

Contribute to chores

Don’t be a slothful slob! Offer to clean or cook without being asked. Your efforts maintaining household order will be appreciated.

Allow private personal space

Even the chummiest roomies need solitary time. Don’t take exclusion personally and respect closed doors.

Communicate respectfully about grievances

Minor disputes crop up amid clutter and noise. Don’t whine, just calmly request conflict resolution.

Set house rules if needed

When tension escalates, formal guidances can put all at ease. Draft a contract to establish quiet hours, guest policies etc.

While moving your Sims into strange lands tests adjustment skills, embracing these tips will have everyone thriving peacefully.

Mistakes to Avoid for Household Harmony

I’ll leave you with a rapid-fire list of key mistakes that instantly detonate discord in shared family homes:

  • Hogging bathrooms for marathon grooming sessions
  • Letting toddlers trash communal areas unattended
  • Hacking the stereo to exclusively play your self-produced vocals
  • Installing peephole cameras in private quarters
  • Neglecting swampy dirty dish piles with dangerous mold levels
  • Stockpiling piles of creepy cursed dolls from yard sales
  • Accidentally leaving the front door ajar for neighborhood stray animals to invade
  • Repeatedly clogging laundry machines to dye new hair colors
  • Brewing nauseating herbal concoctions that permeate walls for days
  • Sabotaging the thermostat temperature every hour

Avoid these household hazards at all costs!

I hope this guide has equipped you to successfully infiltrate and thrive within the occupied homes of The Sims universe. Just stay flexible, respect your newfound community, and ensure basic needs are met for all.

Let me know your wildest stories of merging households or exploiting cheat codes below!

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