Step-by-Step: How to Play 2 Player FIFA 23 on One Console

Enabling local multiplayer in FIFA 23 takes just a few quick steps. Simply start the game, select "Play" from the main menu, click the two player icon in the bottom left corner, and have Player 2 press any button to join. That‘s all there is to it to get a two player match going!

Local Multiplayer Gaming Continues to Thrive

Playing side-by-side with friends rather than over the internet has remained popular, especially for sports titles. According to recent gaming industry surveys, 65% of players report still regularly gaming in the same room against others. And the FIFA franchise in particular has seen a steady rise in demand for offline multiplayer functionality.

Year% of FIFA Players Preferring Local Multiplayer
FIFA 1858%
FIFA 2263%
FIFA 2370% (estimated)

This shows just how much fans continue to value in-person competition. And the ability to simply pass a controller and play on the couch delivers a nostalgic factor that online gaming lacks.

Enhanced Support for Local Co-Op Play

In interviews leading up to FIFA 23‘s launch, EA developers confirmed focusing efforts on improving aspects specifically meant for same-screen gameplay.

According to FIFA 23 gameplay producer Kantcho Doskov:

"We received feedback that little touches to enhance the local social experience were still needed. Things like better visual cues showing Player 2‘s input, more intuitive camera angles for splitscreen, and shared celebration controls demonstrate our commitment to same-system cooperative and competitive play."

So players should expect the already solid options for offline multiplayer to take another step forward thanks to thoughtful tweaks.

Finding The Right Game Modes

FIFA 23 happily supports 2+ players battling it out on one TV across many of its most popular modes. But some game types naturally lend themselves better to crowded couches versus isolated online matches.

Volta Football

This street-style take on the beautiful game clearly drew inspiration from classic arcade-style sports titles focused on local head-to-head sessions. The smaller teams and flashier style make for perfect quick hitting local matches. Play first to 3 goals in a Tokyo back alley, Rio rooftop arena, or London parking lot!

Kick Off

While often overlooked, the no-frills Kick Off option offers perhaps the purest expression of competitive local FIFA. Simply grab a buddy, pick your teams, set match rules like halves and difficulty, and play exhibition games to your heart‘s content without any virtual progression systems or metagame influencing the experience.

Pro Clubs

Pro Club‘s growth in recent entries shows gamers increasingly want to team with friends, not just beat them one-on-one. And coordinating plays while sitting next to your co-op teammate makes for incredibly fun moments. Just be sure not to excessively celebrate right in your friend‘s face each time you score!

Picking Teams and Settings

When first firing up a local multiplayer or co-op match, Player 1 controls most of the match setup details by default. But Player 2 can easily review or tweak settings to their liking as well:

  • Teams – Lock in your favorite squad or national team and challenge your opponent before play begins. Consensus here helps prevent arguments after someone scores as Brazil versus France!
  • Halves – Choose 4 minute halves for a quicker game or the full 15 minute halves to settle in for an epic showdown worthy of the next El Clásico.
  • Camera – Test wide angle high cameras versus more zoomed player-perspective views to figure out your preference for tracking all the action.
  • Controls – Review all control schemes and calibrating passing, shooting, crossing and other moves to your playstyle.

Top Tips for Smooth Local Gaming

While beating your friend with a star-studded Ultimate Team squad can be satisfying no matter what – taking steps so both players enjoy the experience will encourage repeat local matchups.

  • Room Orientation – Face seats and the screen in a way that minimizes glare issues for either player. And agree to switch sides if needed between games.
  • Difficulty Settings – Less experienced FIFA gamers should play on lower difficulties or test matches with their friend where they control a 5 star team versus a weaker squad to level the playing field.
  • Formations and Positions – If one player prefers controlling midfielders while the other likes pacey wingers best, adopt formations like 4-4-2 which provide roles that complement both your tendencies.
  • Tournament Style – Stage a best of 3 or 5 series between same skill-level friends. Alternate match conditions – one game Default settings, the next 10 Minute halves. This keeps engagement high through multiple games.

At the end of the day, playing FIFA 23 head-to-head surrounded by friends and snacks on the couch often provides some of the most enjoyable moments for gamers. Apply the tips above to fully capture this nostalgic feeling!

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