How Do You Play 3 Player MultiVersus? The Ultimate Guide

As a hardcore MultiVersus fan, one question I see popping up often among players is: how do you actually play with 3 people at once in MultiVersus matches?

The brand new platform fighter makes competition between groups of friends a blast. But it does have some limitations around odd-numbered groups that I want to break down.

So whether you and two buddies want to battle it out online, or three family members want to brawl on the couch, I‘ve got you covered!

Local MultiVersus Play with 3 Players

First off, let‘s tackle local 3 player MultiVersus, probably the easier of the two options.

The steps to play a 3 person local match are:

  1. From the main menu, hit "Play"
  2. Select the "Custom" tab
  3. Choose "Local Play"
  4. Set rules to 3 player free-for-all
  5. Pick characters and stage
  6. Start brawling!

Pro Tip: On the couch, all MultiVersus characters are unlocked from the beginning for selection variety.

Once you‘ve got through those steps, you‘ll be dropped into a match with just whoever is gathered around the TV or monitor, duking it out for bragging rights.

This local option means no issues matchmaking or creating custom lobbies. The game handles it all automatically based on the parameters you set. So gather the snacks and get ready for lively 3 player clashes in your living room!

But what about going online?

The Complexity Around Online 3 Player MultiVersus

Online 3 player MultiVersus introduces more complexity. See, the standard matchmaking queue options are 1v1 and 2v2 formats. So how can a trio play together?

Well, I dug into some redditor experiences over on r/MultiVersusTheGame, and found a ton of useful discoveries.

According to many players, the current best way to play online as a 3 player group is:

  • Have one player create a custom online match
  • They can then invite up to 3 friends directly
  • Choose teams or free-for-all rules
  • Add bots if you want a 4th slot filled

So essentially, you have to circumvent the standard matchmaking lobbies and spin up a custom game.

As Reddit user u/OrganizationWitty940 explains:

"The only way for us to play together is offline custom FFA, but for some reason you can‘t play a FFA game with 3 players – you need to add a bot."

And user u/-B-r-0-c-k- highlights another related issue:

"You can only play teams with real people and you need 4…"

So in summary – online 3 player MultiVersus takes some finessing through workarounds instead of direct matchmaking queues. But with invites and bots, it IS possible!

4 Players in MultiVersus – What‘s Different?

In contrast to the current 3 player limitations above, MultiVersus makes playing with 4 people much more seamless.

The statistics say it all:

MultiVersus Player Counts (PlayerCounter)

Players Online1,889 players online

Maximum Players Per Match

2 players4 players4 players

As you can see, 4 players is the current ceiling for online games. And in the platform fighter genre, 4 has typically been the standard maximum.

However, previous iconic games like Super Smash Bros have incorporated robust 3 player support over time. So there‘s hope!

In the meantime, what are the benefits of 4 players in MultiVersus compared to 3?

Key advantages include:

  • Direct matchmaking queues for online 4 player battles
  • More mode variety like 2v2 and 1v1v1v1
  • Easier balancing without needing to add bots
  • Potential for higher intensity gameplay

So while 3 players is certainly enjoyable, 4 unlocks MultiVersus‘ full potential for hectic, off-the-wall multiplayer excitement!

Key Takeaways: Maneuvering MultiVersus Matches with Friends

After breaking down both local and online 3 player scenarios, as well as contrasting against 4 player functionality, what key pointers stick out?

Here are my top tips for playing MultiVersus with a group:

  • For local 3 player matches, just dive into the seamless Local Play option
  • Online requires either custom games or random 2v2 pairing for a 3 stack
  • Use chat and invites to coordinate non-standard match sizes
  • Feel free to plug remaining slots with capable bots
  • Try out wacky new game modes and team combinations!

I‘m hopeful the MultiVersus developers eventually bring official online 3 player support post-launch. Dot Esports reports the team is "…planning to add different social hub spaces where players can hang out with custom rulesets down the line." Which would help solve this party size issue!

But in the meantime, don‘t let odd numbers stop you from battling online or forming new rivalries on the couch. Get creative with the invites, bots, and custom match options at your disposal.

Because whether it‘s 2, 3, or 4 total players, MultiVersus is a complete blast with friends! And I can‘t wait to squad up with fellow passionate gamers in this electrifying evolution of the platform fighter genre.

Let me know what unique MultiVersus group compositions, custom rulesets, or four-way brawls you come up with!

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