The Ins and Outs of Six Handed Euchre

A Passionate Guide for Fellow Card Game Enthusiasts

As gamers, few pastimes delight us more than gathering around a table to play classic trick-taking card games. Euchre has long been a staple in my household – that satisfying smack as cards hit the table, the groans and cheers as luck and strategy collide!

The more friends we can accommodate, the better. So let‘s dive into everything you need to know to play six handed euchre like a pro.

Rules Overview – Core Gameplay Explained

At its heart, six handed euchre follows the same basic format as the four player version. But with 50% more players at the table, the dynamics shift in some fascinating ways!

The Deal

Using a deck of 24 cards (9 through Ace in each suit), seven cards are dealt clockwise to each player. The remaining four cards form the "kitty" – we‘ll get to those later!

Making Trump

Bidding starts with the dealer, who can either pass or name a suit as trump. Play proceeds clockwise around the table until trump is named.

But beware – naming trump brings added risk! Fail to take enough tricks and your opponents will score points against you. When in doubt, pass.

Going Alone

After trump has been named, the caller has the option to "go alone" without their partner‘s help. This scores more points, but failing to make five tricks lets the enemies euchre you for two points!


Players must follow suit if possible. If unable to follow suit, they can play a trump card which will win the trick. The goal is for the calling team to take at least three tricks (five tricks if going alone).


Euchre rewards success, but punishes failure. Here‘s how the points shake out:

Calling team makes 3+ tricks1 point
Calling team takes 5 tricks ("March")2 points
Opponents "Euchre" calling team2 points
Make 5 tricks while going alone4 points

First to 10 points wins! Simple enough so far, right? Now let‘s unpack some winning strategies…

Advanced Strategy Tips from an Expert Player

With twice as many players and hands developing in harder-to-predict ways, there‘s even more opportunity to leverage skillful play in six handed euchre. You‘ll need to master these essential strategies to dominate:

Pick Your Spots for Calling Trump

With three opponents all getting solid hands, the risk of getting "set" (failing to make tricks after calling trump) runs high. Be selective when naming trump based on these factors:

  • At least three trump cards including the left bower (jack of trump‘s suit)
  • Multiple aces and kings even without trump
  • Voids in 1-2 off suits after picking up kitty

I‘ve found that gambling on mediocre hands wins far less often than tightening up and waiting for premium cards. Limit getting set early on, then capitalize later when the score tightens up!

Trust Your Partner, But Plan Like You‘re Alone

Your partner being on the other half of the table makes it tough to coordinate strategy. Lean on these principles:

  • Make mental notes on which suits your partner is void in
  • Watch how many times your partner orders up trump from the dealer
  • Pay attention when your partner leads a singleton ace

But don‘t rely too heavily on any info gleaned…at the end of the day look for opportunities to make all five tricks on your own steam!

Preempt Opponents‘ Strategies

Are your RHO and partner in a bidding war every hand? Is the same player always ordering up trump off the dealer? Identify these tendencies early!

Then make bold calls to break their momentum – snatch that next dealer seat before they do, call trump when you know they‘re loaded in the off suit. Keeping them off-balance is hugely impactful in a six handed game.

Maximize Late Game Scoring

Unlike four handed euchre where teams often reach 10 points quickly, games here routinely come down to the wire 8-8 or 9-9. With winning on the line, scoring extra points goes from luxury to necessity.

When the score is tight late, go alone whenever reasonable. Convert a simple 1 point win into a momentum swinging 4 pointer. Trust me, after enough 6 handed euchre thrill rides, you‘ll learn just how valuable this strategy is!

Origins & Rise of Six Handed Euchre

Euchre first took form over 200 years ago under various names – Juckerspiel, Knack, Five Hundred. The interfering bid concept gave it a distinct flair versus predecessors.

Across the 19th century Northern American frontier it cemented status as one of the most popular card games around. Today that legacy remains intact largely in America‘s Midwest.

So where does the six handed variant originate from? Here my research hit contradictions and dead-ends. While some sources claim it arose in England, others suggest improvised rules by larger American families.

Regardless, learning six handed euchre opened up the game to more casual gatherings and cemented my own lifelong passion!

Final Thoughts – A Game Worth Mastering

After reflecting on my decades of euchre obsession, I believe every gamer owes it to themselves to try six handed euchre at least once.

The nuances between classic rules and added variation reward repeat play. Evaluating new hands, adjusting strategy, managing risk vs reward – you‘ll find greater depth than almost any trick-taking game.

So call up five fellow card sharks, and deal out some hands. I guarantee you‘ll be hooked! Let the trump calling, kitty building, bid battling commence.

Have questions? Want more euchre wisdom from yours truly? Let me know in the comments! This classic game has stayed beloved for so long thanks to passionate fans like us.

Now grab those cards, bid trump like you mean it, and score some march points! Enjoy my friends 🙂

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