How to Play GTA 5 Online on Xbox One S

Playing Grand Theft Auto V‘s hugely popular multiplayer online mode GTA Online on the Xbox One S is easy and accessible for all players. Simply launch GTA 5 on your console, select "GTA Online" from the main menu, complete the initial tutorials, and you‘ll be set loose into the vibrant and ever-evolving world of GTA Online.

What You Need to Play GTA Online on Xbox One S

To play GTA Online on Xbox One S, you only need:

  • A copy of GTA 5 – either physical disc or digitally purchased
  • An active Xbox Live Gold subscription
  • A broadband internet connection

GTA Online access is included free with all copies of GTA 5. There is no need to buy GTA Online separately.

Do note: While GTA 5 and GTA Online are playable offline, to access the multiplayer online world you need to have an active Xbox Live Gold membership and be connected to the internet.

Step-by-Step Guide to Play GTA Online on Xbox One S

Follow these simple steps to properly set up and start playing GTA Online on your Xbox One S:

1. Install GTA 5 with All Updates

First, install GTA 5 on your console from the disc or after purchasing it digitally from the Microsoft Store.

The game requires a large 70-80 GB of storage space so make sure you have enough room.

Also check that you have installed all latest patches and updates for the best experience.

GTA 5 File SizeWith All Updates
Base Install Size<70 GB
Updates Sizeup to 10 GB

2. Set Up Xbox Profile and Live Gold Membership

As mentioned before, you need an active Xbox Live Gold membership to play online.

On your Xbox One dashboard:

  • Go to settings and ensure you are signed in to an Xbox profile
  • Check your Xbox Live Gold membership status under subscriptions
  • Renew or purchase a new subscription if needed

You can get Xbox Live Gold for $9.99 monthly or $24.99 quarterly.

3. Launch GTA 5 and Enter GTA Online

GTA 5 Launch Menu

GTA 5 Main Menu via PushSquare

With everything installed and updated, launch GTA 5 from your Xbox dashboard or game library.

You will see the Launch Menu with two options:

  • Story Mode: The offline single player campaign
  • GTA Online: Multiplayer online component

Select GTA Online and it will connect you to the GTA Online servers and world.

4. Finish the GTA Online Tutorial

For first-time players, GTA Online starts with a mandatory tutorial introducing basic gameplay concepts.

You‘ll learn mechanics like:

  • Movement and combat controls
  • Communicating with other players
  • Accessing the in-game phone
  • Passive and Defensive play
  • Starting Jobs and activities

Rockstar Support: We recommend completing the GTA Online Tutorial at least once as it unlocks certain gameplay features.

Finish all tutorial objectives to fully unlock GTA Online access. This may take around 30-45 minutes.

5. Congrats, Welcome to GTA Online!

After finishing the tutorial, you will load straight into a GTA Online session and awarded some starting Cash and items.

You now have free reign to start exploring the open world of Los Santos and Blaine County with hundreds of activities available both solo or with other players.

Here are some things you can experience online:

  • Immersive multiplayer open world
  • Cooperative heists
  • Adversarial modes
  • Epic races and deathmatches
  • Customizing characters and properties
  • Exotic supercars and weaponry

GTA Online is constantly evolving with new updates. 2023 will see continued expansions like the long-rumored cops n‘ crooks mode.

As per Rockstar Games, over 250 million GTA Online sessions were logged by players in 2022 highlighting its popularity across Xbox, PlayStation and PC platforms!

Tips for Getting Started in GTA Online

Here are some tips so you can hit the ground running in GTA Online on your Xbox One S:

Complete More Tutorials

After finishing the main tutorial, further introductory missions open up to teach other aspects:

  • Lamar lowdown missions – Cover basic freemode dynamics
  • Flight School – Master aviation techniques
  • Heists tutorial – Prep for big cooperative jobs

Be sure to check your in-game phone and map for these optional missions marked with a "JT" icon.

Enable Passive Mode Initially

When you first load in, enable passive mode from the Interaction Menu (hold down d-pad on controller). This makes you invisible to other players so you can explore in peace.

You can toggle passive mode anytime if you want to engage in multiplayer activities later. It‘s perfect while learning the ropes.

Collect Free Items and Vehicles

Always check your in-game phone for free items and vehicles that are unlocked periodically.

As a new player, you already have free access to content like:

  • Dune FAV off-road vehicle
  • Pistol and Grenades weapons
  • Apartment property with garage
  • GTA$ bonuses

Make sure to keep claiming these to boost your experience.

Do Contact Missions

Simple contact missions from NPCs are the best early activity. These have clear objectives to help better understand gameplay mechanics in action.

Pay attention to instructions and use cover effectively. Most missions can be easily completed solo so they are perfect for new players.

Completing missions also gives you RP (reputation points) and GTA$ to purchase weapons, vehicles and properties.

Next Steps – Further Your GTA Online Journey

Once you get comfortable, the world of GTA Online truly opens up.

Here are popular things to do next in your journey:

  • Heists – Team up for huge cooperative missions with big payouts.
  • Business Ventures – Run criminal rackets like gun running, smuggling, and forgeries.
  • Street Racing – Participate in underground car meet events.
  • Property Investments – Purchase penthouses, mansions, garages, hangars and more.
  • VIP Contracts – Become celebrity bodyguards protecting the rich and famous.

With frequent updates and expansions, GTA Online continues to deliver fresh experiences keeping the gameplay exciting for all Xbox One players even close to a decade after launch.

Jump in now to catch limited-time special events happening throughout the year like new modes, rare collectibles, bonuses and sales.

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