How do you play Minecraft with friends far away?

You can play Minecraft online with friends who are far away thanks to Minecraft‘s multiplayer functionality. As long as all players have stable internet access, you can connect to the same online servers or even host your own server for friends to join regardless of physical distance or geographic location. There are a few main methods for playing with distant friends in Minecraft.

Joining an Online Server

Public Minecraft multiplayer servers can be accessed using a unique server address or IP. By joining the same public server, you and your friends can explore, build, and play together in Minecraft even if you live in different cities, states, or countries.

To join an online server:

  1. Launch Minecraft and click "Multiplayer"
  2. Click "Add Server" and enter the server‘s address
  3. Select the server and click "Join Server"

The same steps also work for joining servers on mobile devices. Online servers give you access to custom game modes, mods, minigames, and more alongside a community of players from around the world.

Host Your Own Server

Hosting your own Minecraft server allows you to control who can access it and customize the gameplay experience for you and your friends. However, hosting does require setting up port forwarding on your router and keeping your computer running to keep the server online.

The basic steps are:

  1. Download, install, and run the Minecraft server software
  2. Configure port forwarding on your router to allow external connections
  3. Share your new server address with friends so they can join

Connect on a Local Area Network

For friends and family members connected to the same WiFi network, a Local Area Network (LAN) world allows low-latency multiplayer Minecraft without an internet connection. This only works for very small geographic distances, like within a single household.

To enable LAN connectivity:

  1. Open your Minecraft world in single player
  2. Select "Open to LAN" in the settings
  3. Friends on the same network can now join

Use Minecraft Realms

For small groups of friends, a Minecraft Realm provides a monthly subscription for an auto-hosted Minecraft world just for you and your friends list. Accessible across platforms, even when the original world creator goes offline, Realms provide automatic backups and easy connections each time you play.

No matter which solution you choose, playing Minecraft with distant friends is convenient thanks to Minecraft‘s multiplayer connectivity options. Reliable access to fast internet is key, and from there, joining massive online servers or even hosting a server yourself keeps your Minecraft experience social from anywhere around the globe.

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