How to Play Sea of Thieves with a Crew of 8 Buccaneers

Avast ye scurvy bilge rats! So ye want to sail the high seas with a whole mess of yer hearties in tow? As a pirate legend with over 300 hours sailed, I‘ll be showin‘ ye how to crew up on Sea of Thieves with 8 pirates – double the max crew size!

We‘ll be reviewing advanced tactics using alliances, invitation trickery, and server hopping so ye can unite with all yer mateys. Just mind the details…one false step could see ye lost in the shroud for good!

Forming an Alliance Armada

The best way for 8 pirates to come together is through alliances between crews. Here be the details from Rare‘s official alliance guide:

  • Servers allow up to 5 galleon crews
  • Alliances enable shared rewards from crew voyages
  • But only 4 pirates per crew even in an alliance

So with 5 galleons allied, ye can have an armada of 20 buccaneers!

Now most scallywags don‘t have 19 extra crewmates on standby. But if ye muster just one other trusted captain, ye can ally two galleons and sail as a fleet of 8!

Crew CountShip CountPlayer Cap
2 Crews2 Galleons8 Players

Just have yer extras join but not crew up with yer galleon at port. Then voyage together using the alliance to maximize loot!

Do be warned – betraying an alliance too often will make ye untrustworthy scum across the seas. Best stick to the code and share fair!

Inviting Over the Limit Through Server Hopping

Now this trick be only for the boldest pirates who don‘t fear cursed fate…I‘m bilge rat enough to try it!

As many a sailor knows, Sea of Thieves only allows 4 crew per galleon. But by exploiting server hopping and invites, ye can overload yer crew beyond the limits!

This works best at outposts where new bilge rats appear. Sail up to a fresh sloop, win them to yer cause, then:

  1. Have them invite any extra mateys until their crew reaches 4
  2. Vote to leave the game, returning the extras to yer side
  3. Have the extras invite yer other scurvy dogs until all hands on deck!

However, if those who accepted invites don‘t vote to leave, they‘ll be lost in the shroud next server hop! Forced to survive alone on a strange sea…I don‘t wish such a fate on me worst enemies.

In other words – this trick relies on coordination between crews and shared trust. Be sure all hands prepare to leave together, or risk marooning yer new mates!

Key Things Every Galleon Captain Should Know

Whether forming a friendly alliance or tricking Davy Jones himself, every aspiring pirate lord needs these vital bits in their logbook:

  • Galleons cost 500,000 gold, most expensive ship available
  • Allow a max crew of 4 – no exceptions, even with exploits
  • Server player limit is 5 galleons & 20 pirates per side
  • Alliances allow crews to share voyage rewards via the flag
  • Forced server hopping can curse crewmates unintentionally

So study the limits of yer vessel, build trust through shared loot, and plot yer course carefully mates!

In Summary – Sail Together by Working Between Ships

While the scoundrels at Rare have cursed us with a 4 pirate limit per crew, all is not lost me hearties!

Our guide has shown advanced ways to circumvent the limits:

  • Alliance galleons to enable rewards sharing
  • Server hopping tricks to swap crew beyond capacity
  • Invite coordination to avoid cursing lost souls!

United we stand, divided we fall to watery graves as fools. So rally yer first mate, stock the grog, and rig the masts me boys! Adventure awaits on the horizon if ye just crew up and work together!

Now quit readin‘ and start sailin‘ ya lazy blighters, lest ye miss the tide and slip below the waves! Anchors aweigh!

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