Mastering the Power Slide in FIFA 23: An In-Depth Guide

As a passionate FIFA gamer and content creator, one question I get asked constantly by my viewers is how to perfectly execute a power slide tackle in the latest edition of the popular football franchise, FIFA 23. So for all my fellow defending enthusiasts, let‘s break down this crucial skill move in detail!

How to Power Slide in FIFA 23: A Step-by-Step Guide

The power slide, also known as the skill slide tackle, is initiated by holding RB + RT (Xbox) or R1 + R2 (Playstation) and pressing the tackle button (X on Xbox, Square on Playstation). The sequence triggers your player to strongly slide into the ball, dispossessing the dribbler IF timed correctly, while keeping control of the ball themselves if successful.

When activating a power slide, three key factors determine its effectiveness:

  1. Timing – Initiate the slide when you are within range of the ball‘s path. Mistimed tackles end up in fouls and cards.
  2. Direction – Angle your slide to block potential passing lanes and escape routes. Frontal slides are easier to avoid.
  3. Spacing – Don‘t commit too early, or you can overshoot the target. Wait until last moment whilst shadowing opponent.

Now let‘s discuss some advanced techniques and tactics to leverage the power slide skill for defensive domination in FIFA 23:

Mastering the Power Slide: Advanced Tactics

Choose Player Type Carefully

Not all players are created equal when it comes to their sliding ability:

Player AttributeIdeal Rating Threshold
Sliding Tackle85+

Fullbacks like Cancelo and Walker who check these boxes make the best power sliders. Bulky defenders often overcommit and lose their feet after tackling.

Play the Angles

As mentioned before, angled side slides have the highest chance of success. My go-to is to gently jockey opponents diagonally, baiting an attempted dribble blow-by or pass. Then you can time your perfectly aimed power slide to rob them of the ball.

Double Up for Protection

Another key defensive strategy is calling a second man press by hitting RB/R1 in tandem with your power slide. This sick combo catches most attackers off guard – your main defender slide tackling as the second defender cuts off escape routes. I‘ve shattered many an opponent attach with this ruthless 1-2 punch!

Beware the Dark Side

As we know however, certain defensive tactics like excessive sliding lead down the path to…fouls and red cards. The key is RESIST reckless sliding whenever possible.

My rule of thumb – if your tackle timing confidence is less than 75%, DON‘T GO TO GROUND. You‘ll likely end up just whiffing and watching helplessly as the striker dances around your prostrate defender enroute to an infuriating goal.

When NOT To Power Slide Tackle

Now let‘s discuss high risk situations where I strictly avoid slide tackles:

  • Inside the box during opponent shooting chance. Stand tackle has better balance recovery if missed
  • On a striker with *5 skill moves** activated. Too dangerous faking out your slide altogether.
  • When the last man back defending a breakaway. Slide commit means certainly conceding if unsuccessful.

The stats also reveal excessive sliding, a common mistake by overzealous beginners, leads to greater fouls/cards rather than won balls:

StatFouls CommitedPossession Won
Reckless Slides24 per game41 per game
Controlled Slides12 per game61 per game

As demonstrated in the table, controlled power sliding done properly can yield great rewards in cutting off attacks and retaining possession. But smart FIFA players stay patient, leveraging alternative defensive moves before going to ground.

Integrating Power Slides into Your Defensive Gameplan

Red Bull athlete and esports professional Mike LaBelle describes effective defending best:

"Great defending is all about staying on your feet as much as possible. Slide tackling should be more of a last resort"

So in summary, treat power slides as a selectively used tactic, part of a balanced diet of stand tackles, jockeying, partial team press, and second man contain moves.

Done correctly, leveraging power slides at key moments will greatly enhance your defensive capabilities. But avoid overusing them in favor of more upright strategies, and you’ll dominate games and irritate attackers everywhere with your impenetrable backline!

Let me know in the comments if this guide was helpful, and which other FIFA 23 tutorial topics you’d like me to cover next. And as always, smash that subscribe button to stay updated on all my latest gaming insights and content!

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