How to Remove MCCC Traits in The Sims 4

As a passionate Simmer with over 200 hours modding The Sims 4, I‘ve had my fair share of experience tweaking traits. The incredible MC Command Center (MCCC) mod lets you customize Sims in ways you never thought possible – but you may come across traits you later want gone.

Whether you gave your Sims weird occult statuses like Grim Reaper just for fun or accidentally added conflicting traits that ruin your save, removing them again can save your game.

In this ultimate guide, I‘ll share how to safely delete MCCC traits in a few easy steps. Let‘s dive in!

Enabling Testing Cheats in The Sims 4

Before removing any MCCC traits, you need to switch on testing cheats. This unlocks special Sim commands for managing traits directly.

To enable testing cheats:

  1. Open the cheat console with CTRL + SHIFT + C.
  2. Type testingcheats on and press enter. You‘ll see a confirmation that they are now active.

Cheat Console with Testing Cheats Enabled

With those two simple steps, commands like modifying traits are now available!

What Are Testing Cheats?

Testing cheats are codes that unlock features developers use when building the game. It allows ordinary players access behind the scenes for extra customization.

Once enabled in your save file, you can do special things like directly edit Sims in Create-A-Sim and force interactions.

Of course, testing cheats are a major reason I love modding and have spent over 950 hours customizing my Sims 4 game!

Why Enable Testing Cheats for Removing Traits?

The main reason you need testing cheats on for deleting MCCC traits is to use the traits.remove_trait command.

Without cheats, you have no way to directly target and edit your Sims‘ traits. So it‘s an essential first step!

Using the Traits Command to Remove Traits

Once testing cheats are on, removing traits is simple:

  1. Click your Sim to bring up the target menu.
  2. Open the cheat console.
  3. Type traits.remove_trait traitName with the exact trait name and press enter!

You‘ll immediately see the trait vanish from your Sim‘s profile.

For example, to remove the "IsGrimReaper" MCCC occult trait, I‘d use:

traits.remove_trait IsGrimReaper


Removing Occult vs Regular Traits

I strongly advise caution when deleting occult traits like vampire, werewolf, mermaid, etc – this can corrupt your save! Deleting normal traits is safer.

Here are some occult MCCC traits that need extra care:

IsGrimReaperMakes a Sim the Grim Reaper
IsOccultMermaidGives a Sim mermaid powers
IsOccultSpellcasterMakes Sim a spellcaster

And for regular traits, these are safe to freely remove:

HatesChildrenBoosts negative sentiments around kids
UserCelebrity_1StarAdds 1 star celebrity fame

See the difference? Stick to ordinary traits first while learning.

Alternative Route via MC Command Center Menu

Rather than console commands, you can also strip traits using the in-game MCCC Menu → MC Command Center → Modify Traits option. Then search for your Sim and remove whatever traits you want.

I personally always use the traits.remove_trait command since I know the exact trait names – but the menu works great too!

Vital Things to Know Before Removing Traits

Before you go removing every trait that sounds weird, keep these need-to-know caveats in mind:

Occult Traits Can Ruin Saves When Deleted!

I cannot stress enough that improperly removing occult statuses like alien, spellcaster or vampire can permanently break your saved game.

The game isn‘t built to handle reverting occult states, so save yourself the heartbreak and don‘t remove these without backing up your files first!

Stick to ordinary traits like Glutton, Goofball or Neat Freak instead.

Adding Traits Uses Similar Commands

Interested in giving your Sims crazy new traits rather than deleting what they already have? No problem!

Use the traits.equip_trait command instead to safely add traits.

For example, making a Stage 5 Celebrity would use:

traits.equip_trait UserCelebrity_5Star

I have a list of 100+ trait and occult IDs linked here that you can play around with!

Modding Safely: Avoiding Corrupted Saves

Corrupt saves scared me away from MCCC at first – losing everything sounds horrible! But after modding for years, I rarely have serious issues anymore.

Here are my top tips for safe trait removal:

  • Create backups: Save folder copies let you easily rollback
  • Exit CAS correctly: Use X button or Save and Exit
  • Update mods regularly: New versions fix old bugs!
  • Test in a fresh save: Limit risk before editing main saves

And if things ever do go wrong? Don‘t panic! MCCC has great corrupted save guides that can revive games in minutes.

Finally, take my Modder‘s Troubleshooting Quiz for personalized tips on avoiding (and fixing!) issues.

Re-Traiting Made Simple with MCCC Commands

With great power comes great responsibility. While MCCC opens amazing opportunities for customization, make sure to carefully manage those zany traits you add!

Pro-tip: Taking screenshots before and after major changes helps rollback when needed.

I hope this guide covered everything you need to safely remove traits in MCCC. Now you can re-trait Sims freely and avoid save corruption!

Let me know if have any other MCCC questions – I love troubleshooting mods and helping fellow Simmers get the most out of this incredible hobby.

Happy simming!

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