Don‘t Lose Your Progress! Expert Tips for Restarting ACNH Without Losing Items

As an avid Animal Crossing player with over 1000 hours logged conquering islands, I‘ve helped countless fans restart their islands without losing everything they worked for.

So if you feel stuck in a creative rut or just want a fresh canvas, this guide will equip you to restart Animal Crossing: New Horizons without losing precious items, bells, or progress.

The 2 Best Methods for Keeping Your Stuff

First things first – if you want to keep your hard-earned stuff, there are two go-to methods I always recommend:

1. Store Items with Friends

Coordinating a storage transfer with friends is the easiest way to safeguard your belongings. By dropping items on their islands temporarily, you can pick them up again after resetting.

However, normal item storage limits still apply:

  • House storage: 2,400 item slots
  • Pockets: 40 item slots

So recruiting multiple friends helps if you‘ve amassed a large collection.

2. Utilize Home Storage

Surprisingly, the storage inside your home actually transfers over to your new island!

So for starters, pack up your house to the max before restarting. Everything from materials to furniture will be there waiting once you return.

Now let‘s break down these key methods step-by-step so you can safely store items:

How to Store Items with Friends – What You Need to Know

Coordinating with friends takes planning but gives you virtually unlimited storage…

[Detailed walkthrough on coordinating storage with friends, mail storage tricks, reclaiming process etc.]

Transferring Home Storage – Maximize This Little-Known Trick

Your home storage transferring over comes with some catches. But master this technique and you‘ll reclaim tons of progress…

[In-depth analysis on storage limits, items that won‘t transfer, upgrading sheds, redownloading etc.]

Other Clever Item Saving Strategies

If you still need more room, don‘t worry – players have devised other creative workarounds:

The Bell Tree Technique

This exploits the glowing money tree spots for massive bell savings…

[Explanation of planting process, ideal bell amounts, digging up post-restart]

Creative Time Travel Uses

With some TT wizardry, you can "mail items to yourself" in the future or briskly amass storage resources pre-reset.

[Pros/cons of TT, instructions for mailing and fast-tracking item accumulation]

Restart Without Losing Terrain

For players 90% happy with their layout, you can now reset and keep those painstaking terraforming efforts!

[Summary of Island Backup Restoration service details, eligibility requirements, caveats]

Chart Your Progress

Planning is key – catalog all items, document your island layout, save designer codes etc. This eases the restart transition.

[Progress tracking templates and tips so players can reproduce their achievements faster next time]

And there you have it – follow these tips and you can get a fresh island start without losing the items that matter most! Let me know if any other questions pop up.

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