How to Revive Allies as Mercy on PS4 in Overwatch 2

As an avid Overwatch 2 player and content creator, one of the most common questions I get from new Mercy players on PS4 is "how do you revive teammates?" As a Mercy main myself, this ability to resurrect fallen allies is a huge part of what makes her so impactful when played well.

What is Mercy‘s Resurrect?

Mercy‘s Resurrect ability allows her to revive any nearby dead ally, restoring them to full health in the spot where they fell. You‘ll see a glowing yellow soul appear where that hero perished recently. When activating Resurrect while aimed at that soul, it will bring that hero back to life!

According to my in-game statistics across all modes, I average about 7-10 resurrects per 10 minute match on Mercy. It‘s one of the main ways you can turn losing teamfights into won ones. The cooldown is 30 seconds, so managing this ability is crucial.

How To Revive on PS4 As Mercy

On PlayStation 4 and 5, you need to press the L1 button while aiming at the ally soul globe to activate Resurrect. Make sure your crosshairs are close to the globe when you hit L1 to resurrect them.

Here is the complete button input:

L1 Button (Hold) – Activate Resurrect

The timing can be tricky at first, so go into the Practice Range or custom games to test it out. I recommend toggling Beam Connection ON so you don‘t have to keep healing beam active manually.

Effective Resurrect Tips from a Mercy Main

Here are my top 5 tips for using Resurrect effectively from my experience as a Mercy veteran on PS4:

1. Prioritize Reviving Key Allies

Not all resurrect targets are created equal. Typically, I prioritize reviving our main tanks and damage heroes first since those have big impact. Then supports and off-tanks after if possible. Losing a key DPS early can lose you big teamfights, so focus on getting them back up!

2. Hide Around Corners and Walls

When going for a resurrect, don‘t do it out in the open. You‘ll just die yourself. Instead, do it behind cover like walls, payload carts, around corners. Break line of sight first whenever possible to avoid dying.

3. Move Erratically During Cast Time

Mercy moves very slowly during her resurrect cast time. Make this harder for enemies to hit you by strafing side to side, crouching up and down. Be an elusive target.

4. Coordinate With Your Team

Call out "Rezzing our Reinhardt!" and let your team know to provide covering fire. This helps a lot to prevent enemies disturbing your revive. Communicate regularly on voice chat when resurrecting.

5. Manage Your Cooldowns

With a 30 second cooldown between Resurrect uses, manage this carefully. You generally want to have it ready for next teamfight instead of wasting it on lost fights. Having 2 good rezzes in a team fight can totally swing it.

Best Mercy PS4 Settings For Reviving

These settings will help resurrecting feel easier:

Toggle Beam ConnectionOnKeeps healing without holding button
Guardian Angel Prefers Beam TargetOnFlies to who you‘re healing automatically
Toggle Guardian AngelOffFor easier movement control

With Toggle Beam on, you don‘t have worry about actively healing teammates and can more easily look around to resurrect.

I also recommend lowering aim assist ease-in quite a lot (15-30). This makes your aim feel crisper to hit precise resurrect targets.

In Summary: Mastering Mercy‘s Resurrect

And there you have it – everything you need to know about reviving allies as Mercy on PS4 in Overwatch 2. With some practice, resurrect can truly change teamfights one after another when used correctly. I hope these PS4-focused tips help you save teammates at the right times.

Let me know if have any other questions! I may make a YouTube guide soon showing this in action.

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