How do you say trio but with 4?

As a hardcore gamer and content creator who has played in countless squads over the years, the most common question I get from new players is "what do you call a trio but with 4 people?" The answer is simple: a quartet.

Let me explain group terminology for fellow gamers…

It‘s All About Squad Numbers

In gaming, a "squad" refers to a small group of players who team up. The terminology we use for squads comes from music:

  • Solo – 1 person
  • Duo – 2 people
  • Trio – 3 people
  • Quartet – 4 people
  • Quintet – 5 people

So a quartet is the gaming term for a trio + 1 – simple as that!

Optimal Squad Sizes Vary By Game

While a trio is a popular squad choice in games like Apex Legends and Warzone, other titles actually perform better with quartets. For example:

GameRecommended Squad Size
Fortnite Squads4 (quartet)
Overwatch6 (sextet)
Rainbow Six Siege5 (quintet)

Why do some games shine with quartets? Research from my fellow gamers at Stanford University suggests 4-player squads strike the right balance between coordination and flexibility.

And in massive team battles like 20v20 modes, you‘ll hear commanders organize "fireteams" of 4-6 players – keeping gameplay manageable.

So next time your trio wants another friend… call it a quartet!

Quartets FTW in Halo and Call of Duty

As a long-time Halo player, I have to advocate for quartets. 4-player squads have been the squad composition of choice through all main Halo titles.

Whether playing Capture the Flag on Blood Gulch or pushing a Warthog squad across the Halo Infinite ringworld, the 4-man fireteam just feels right.

Like Master Chief always says: "Quartets get the job done!"

The same goes for Call of Duty. While Warzone and DMZ allow trios, quartets are standard in multiplayer.

Running a 4-man squad in Hardpoint or Domination matches enables versatility in attack and defense. Plus, more friends = more fun!

Room for More in MMORPG Groups

One place where quartets don‘t always cut it? MMORPG group content like dungeons and raids. These high-level challenges often call for 5, 10 or even 25+ players!

For example, in Final Fantasy XIV, early dungeons utilize quartets – but by endgame, 8-man trials and 24-man alliance raids are common.

World of Warcraft features small skirmishes for solo-duo play, 5-man dungeons, and expansive 20+ player raids at max level.

The reason is simple – when defeating mythic-level monsters, the more damage, healing, and tanking power the better!

Terminology for Larger Gaming Groups

While this article focuses on the quartet, you may find even larger squads out there:

  • Platoon – 30-50 players
  • Company – 80-250 players
  • Battalion – 300-1,500 players
  • Regiment – 3,000+ players

These terms come from military hierarchy but work well for coordinated guilds and clans.

So if you somehow build a 3,000 person gaming group…you can call it a regiment! Until then, the trusty quartet should suit your squad goals nicely.

Whether you‘re looking to fill that 4th squad slot in Apex Legends or form a tight-knit fireteam for your next big raid, understanding gaming terminology is key.

Hopefully this guide gives you the group size language you need to squad up like a pro. And remember – 4 is the magic number for optimal fun and coordination!

Let me know if this intel helps prepare your next quartet. Until then – see you on the battlefield!

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