How do you sell cars in GTA 5 Storymode?

As an experienced GTA gamer with over 200 hours just in story mode, selling stolen cars is one of my top methods for fast money. While there are quite a few ways to build your criminal empire‘s fortune, hotwiring expensive vehicles from Vinewood‘s elite and unloading them at Los Santos Customs is one of the most thrilling and lucrative hustles early on.

This comprehensive guide will provide everything you need to know for the highest payouts from selling cars in story mode, from ideal targets to transportation methods to advanced profit tactics. Let‘s get started!

Choosing the Most Valuable Cars to Steal and Sell

While any vehicle in GTA 5 has a baseline selling price, exotic sports cars and luxury sedans will net you way more cash than everyday compacts. Based on extensive testing across my various playthroughs, here are my top recommendations for the highest resale values:

Vehicle TypeRecommend ModelsAverage Selling Price
SuperAdder, Entity XF, Cheetah$8,000 – $15,000
Sports9F Cabrio, Feltzer, Furore GT$3,000 – $8,000
CoupesFelon, Felon GT$3,000 – $7,000

As depicted in the table, the absolute top tier for resale are the super cars only millionaires can afford. By sliding up next to one outside the Rockford Hills country club or movie studio and jimmying open the door, you can score over $10,000 in one easy flip!

For my go-to targets early on, I love the grouping of coupes and sports cars typically parked just off Eclipse Boulevard near the Strip. Felon GTs, Feltzer convertibles, and Furore GTs spawn reliably and deliver great value given their relative availability. Offload 3-4 of those beauties in an evening and you‘ll have a solid bankroll to play with.

Now let‘s get into the intricacies of transportation and selling logistics…

How to Quickly Locate the Nearest Los Santos Custom Garage

In order to sell a hot vehicle in story mode, you need access to one of the various Los Santos Customs mechanic shops dotted around the map. These locations are marked by a blue spray can icon:

Los Santos Customs Locations Map

As depicted above, there are a solid number of options pretty conveniently located. But based on experimenting with different routes, I would highlight the Top 3 best positioned garages when you‘re working hot cars:

1.La Puerta – Situated in central Los Santos nearest high income flashy vehicles
2.Burton – Just off Rockford Hills for supercar access and quick edge-of-city escape
3.Strawberry – Good for selling stolen goods from rest of city before hitting highway

With the goal being speedy extraction before cops swarm on you, I like to set a waypoint to the nearest garage on my map as soon as I secure the goods. Punch the marked location into your GPS and bob and weave to lose the heat!

Here are some key tips for transportation and evasion efficiency:

  • Take side streets and alleyways, avoid main roads
  • Toggle your radar expanded to reveal cop proximity
  • If swarmed, consider abandoning for another steal mission

Okay, you‘ve escaped the scene with engines smoking and 5-0 off your back. Now it‘s go time…

How to Sell Cars at Los Santos Customs in Story Mode

The process for offloading your high value vehicles is straightforward as can be. Simply:

  1. Pull up safely within yellow marker
  2. Exit vehicle and walk inside garage interior
  3. When prompted, select ‘Sell‘ option for vehicle lists outside
  4. Collect your payout! $$$

And note, there is no penalty in story mode for selling stolen goods to these shops! However, do be aware of the following when flipping cars for max profits:

  • Can only sell 1 car per in-game day (48 real minutes)
  • Cars wanted by authorities won‘t be purchaseable
  • Upgrades like engines and turbo boost sale price

In single player, that 48 minute timer is critical to maximize your cash rate. Say you offload an Entity XF for $12,000 at noon…the next sale needs to be 12:48pm earliest for the full rate.

But some key exploits can overcome that restriction for true high volume earnings!

Advanced Tactics to Maximize Profits From Each Stolen Sale

Once you get in the rhythm of boosting $100k supercars and custom coupes, you‘ll be rolling in dough faster than the storyline itself dishes out (of which there is plenty!). But say you want to tune up the profits even further with one of these high expertise techniques:

Save cars for assassination missions – When executing on Franklin‘s secret side quests to manipulate the stock market via hits, intentionally do the missions with expensive personal vehicles stored in your garage. Any damage or destruction that occurs will grant you a bonus insurance cash out! This nets well over the normal selling price.

Fully upgrade your flip targets – Investing in engine, turbo, brake improvements and more before offloading increases a car‘s resale to the shop. Here‘s a quick cheat sheet:

Upgrade TypeValue Increase

So topping off a given sedan with some nice mods can easily net you a solid 20% value bump…well worth the parts investment!

There are a range of other great options too like manipulating assassination targets‘ competitor stocks over at the Exchange or hitting armored Security Vans. But when it comes to reliably building starter wealth through raw hustle? Nothing beats jacking those Felon GTs off Vinewood Blvd and flipping them for cold hard GTA cash. Give these methods a spin and watch the profits roll in!

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