How to Master 2-Player Mode on Just Dance Nintendo Switch

As an avid Switch gamer and content producer, one of my guiltiest pleasures is dancing the nights away to Just Dance‘s catchy songs with friends. But I remember it taking trial-and-error to figure out Just Dance‘s 2-player mode when I first bought the game. So whether you want to synchronize moves cooperatively or battle head-to-head competitively, this guide will walk through Just Dance‘s multiplayer setup.

When my college roommate and I first loaded up Just Dance 2021, we spent nearly 20 minutes trying and failing to connect both our Joy-Cons properly to play together. But once we had the syncing process down, we couldn‘t put it down, dancing from funk classics to K-pop hits. Read on to learn from my experience getting multiplayer going and take your next Just Dance session to the next level!

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect 2 Joy-Cons for Just Dance

Here is a foolproof walkthrough to detach your Switch‘s included Joy-Cons and pair them for seamless 2 player action:

1. Detach the Joy-Cons from Console

On the left and right side of your Switch screen, you‘ll notice there are vertical rails where each Joy-Con attaches. Press the small, rectangular release button on the backside of each Joy-Con to detach it from the console.

JoyCon Release Button

You‘ll feel the Joy-Cons loosen and slide up easily once depressed. I recommend also sliding the Joy-Con Straps onto each controller for both comfort and safety.

2. Position Both Joy-Cons Horizontally

Once detached, turn both Joy-Cons to orient horizontally, with the analog stick on the left side of each. This indicates they will be used as separate controllers.

3. Press L + R to Assign Players

Next, press and hold the L and R shoulder buttons simultaneously on each Joy-Con. You should feel them vibrate after about 3 seconds. The left Joy-Con will now be assigned to Player 1 and right Joy-Con to Player 2!

Pro Tip: I suggest charging your Joy-Cons to full battery beforehand so they don‘t die mid-gaming session!

4. Launch Just Dance and Start Playing!

Return to your Switch‘s Home Screen, launch Just Dance from the menu, and wait for the game to detect both Joy-Cons. The multiplayer mode menu should appear automatically. Browse songs and difficulty levels and enjoy moving in unison or competing on the same dance floor!

Using Smartphones as Controllers

While Joy-Cons may be simpler, Just Dance also lets up to 6 players connect using only their smartphones as controllers. Here‘s how to get set up:

1. Download the Controller App

On each phone, download the Just Dance Controller app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. It‘s totally free!

To ensure best connectivity, use more modern iPhones and Android devices if possible. I‘ve noticed lag and sync issues at times on my old iPhone 6 when my friends used iPhone 12‘s.

Reviews of the app are generally positive across both platforms as well:

> "Super easy to connect & great as a controller" (4.7 stars – App Store)

2. Connect to Switch Console

After launching Just Dance on your Switch, the app provides two methods to connect – QR code scan or entering the room ID manually:

Just Dance Controller App Connect

Hold your phone camera over the QR code TV to instantly sync up. Or type the 6-digit code displayed on the top left instead.

You‘ll repeat this process for each additional phone "controller". The game identifies you as Player 1, 2 and so on automatically!

Key Multiplayer Modes for 2 Dancers

Once connected with Joy-Cons or smartphones, Just Dance offers several ways you can enjoy dancing together or facing off:

Classic Co-op Choreography

Work together to nail challenging moves!

Certain songs will activate specialized cooperative choreography built for 2 simultaneous dancers. The goal is to synchronize your motions perfectly and rack up the highest score as an ultimate duo!

I love playing co-op dances with friends because it tests our rhythm and adaptability to have each other‘s backs. For my roommate and I‘s favorite like "Make It Jingle" it took a few tries before we figured out how to align our steps.

Competitive Player Battles

Outstage your opponent using the same song!

Choose any song in versus mode to independently dance and directly compare yourself against another player. Even though you‘re hearing the same music, Just Dance displays different moves on each screen for you to score points and wow judges over your opponent with flair and enthusiasm.

I get fired up battling my little cousins on songs like "Cotton Eyed Joe", pulling out my best country line dance moves to upstage their routine!

Tournament Showdowns

Face a gauntlet of opponents in bracket play!

For larger gatherings, Tournament mode lets groups of players take turns battling head-to-head randomly through song bracket showdowns. Win your matchup and advance to take on new opponents!

Last family reunion, nearly 20 of us competed in a Just Dance tournament after dinner. After a few intense song battles, I ended up winning the whole bracket!

Expert Strategies for 2 Player Dominance

With some practice using these pro strategies tailored to Just Dance‘s multiplayer formats, you‘ll be dancing circles around friends and family:

Co-op Success Tips

Formations – Try to dance beside rather than in front or behind your partner. This makes coordinating motions and seeing each other‘s moves easier.

Focus on Trickier Sections – Identify chorgraphy parts that require precise unison timing. Give your partner a heads up beforehand to nail moves together.

Go All Out On Endings – Save your biggest flourish moves for a song‘s bookend to really "wow" judges. Plan an eye-catching dip, leg kick, or lift with your co-dancer.

Competitive Domination Tricks

Upstage and Distract – Purposely dance into your challenger‘s space or cross behind them. Or taunt their score if you pull ahead. Anything to throw them off their game!

Play to Song Genre – Adopt moves that embody a song‘s style. Really swing those hips and arms for funk numbers. Stay light on your feet for higher BPM pop tracks.

Spot and Exploit Weaknesses – If your competitor seems to struggle with certain move types, focus your routine heavily around those. Target their lack of rhythm sense or coordination.

I hope these tips help you annihilate your Just Dance adversaries and collaborate with partners seamlessly. Let me know which songs you find work best for 2 players or any other questions about mastering multiplayer modes!

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